a. INTELLIGENCE TEST - This test measures
the intelligence quotient (IQ) of an individual as genius, very superior, high
average, and average, low average, borderline or mentally defective.
b. PERSONALITYTEST- This measures the
ways in which the individual's interest with other individuals or in terms of
the roles an individual has assigned to himself and how he adopts in the
APTITUDE TEST - This kind of test is a predictive measure of a
person's likelihood of benefit from instruction or experience in a given field
such as arts, music, clerical work, mechanical tasks, or academic studies.
d. PROGNOSTIC TEST - This test forecast how well a person may do in a certain school
subject or work.
e. PERFORMANCE TEST - It is a measure which often makes use of accomplishing the learning
task involving minimum accomplishment or none at all.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST - This test identifies the weaknesses of an
individual's achievement in any field which serves as basis for remedial
g. ACHIEVEMENTTEST- This test measures
how much the students attain the learning task.
h. PREFERENCE TEST - This test is a measure of vocational or academic interest of an
individual or aesthetic decision by forcing the examinee to make force options between
paired or group items.
SCALE TEST - this test is a series of items arranged in the order
of difficulty.
SPEEDTEST- this test measures the speed of accuracy of the examinee within the
time imposed. It is called "alertness test".
k. POWERTEST- this test is made up of series
of items arranged from easiest to the most difficult.
l. STANDARDIZEDTEST- this test provides exact procedures in controlling the method of
administration and scoring with norms and data concerning the reliability and
validity of the test.
m. TEACHER-MADE TEST - this test is prepared by classroom teachers based on
the contents stated in the syllabi and the lessons taken by the students.
n. PLACEMENTTEST- this test issued to
measure the job an applicant should fill in the school setting and the grade or
year level the student or student should be enrolled after quitting from