1.          Round off and estimate whenever possible. Simplify your calculations 3,978 x 289 can be rounded off to 4,000 x 300. Then if only one of the answer choices is slightly less than 1,200,000


2.          Look for shortcuts. These are often built into problems. For example, you know that an odd number multiplied by an odd number will give you and odd number. If only one of the answer choices is an odd number, it has to be the right answer.


3.          DO not panic if a question has an unusual symbol. Replace the symbol with the specially designed definition that accompanies the symbol.


4.          Work in consistent units. If one side of a square measures 30inches and the other measures 2 feet, don’t try multiplying until you have both measurements in feet or in inches




5.          Have important rules and formulas at your fingertips. Use the information supplied at the top of the first page of each mathematics section. Or better yet, memorize these and other important facts and formulas before the test date.


6.          Read the question carefully. DO not assume anything that is not actually stated. Some questions are not similar to questions you usually encounter in regular mat classes.


7.          Beware of positive and negative number. If the problem does not specifically state that the value of an unknown is positive, then it could also be negative. The square root of a number can be positive or negative.


8.          Use your time wisely. If you absolutely have no idea on how to solve a particular problem, do not waste time on it. Circle it and leave it. If you have time at the end of the tests, you can go back and try again.


9.          Avoid lengtly computation. None of the questions on the test will require terribly complicated computations. If you find yourself about to start on a long string of complicated computations. To solve a problem, you are doing something wrong. Either you missed a shortcut, or you are solving the wrong problem. Read the question again.


10.      Use the exam booklet wisely. Don’t try to do all computations in your head. Write in the test booklet. Mark up any diagrams if it will help you.



11.      Chech the diagrams. The diagrams may be drawn accurately or they may be accompanied by a statement saying that figure is not drawn to scale. In the altter case you may redraw the diagram slightly to make it accurate.


12.      Be on the look out for irrelevant material in a word problem. There probably will be at least one question that gives you more information that you need. Don’t assume that you have to use it all to solve the problem. If what you need si how many people were wearing red hats, it does not matter how many were wearing blue shoes.


13.      Don’t rush to get the most challenging problems. Questions get harder as you go along in the math section.



14.      Don’t hesitate to work back from the answers. On this test you don’t have to show how you arrive at the answer. First plug in the answer which is easiest to try. Usually this is the correct choice.


15.      DO not panic when you are faced with mathematical terminology. Try putting the problem into simpler words. “S” is a set of integers on the number line1-100 inclusive “just means” S is all the numbers from I through 100.”

16.      Substitute for unknowns, if necessary, If you are having trouble solving a problem with several unknowns, try substituting simple number for the unknowns.