· Formal education refers to the hierarchically structured and chronologically graded learning organized and provided by the formal school system and for which certification is required in order for the learner to progress through the grades or move to higher levels.

·       Non-formal education refers to any school-based educational activities undertaken by the DECS and other agencies aimed at attaining specific learning objectives for a particular clientele, especially the illiterates and the out-of- school youths and adults, distinct from and outside the regular offerings of the formal school system.

·       Informal education is a type of education which can be acquired anytime and anywhere.

·       Naturalism is an educational philosophy which adheres to the belief that education should be in accordance with the nature of the child.

·       Idealism focuses on the conscious reasoning of the mind in order to attain truth. This includes the activities pertinent to the human mind such as introspection and intuition and the use of logic.

·       Realism is concerned with the actualities of life, what is real. Ultimate reality is the world of physical objects. Reality is independent of the human mind.

·       In existentialism, learning is based on the willingness of the student to choose and give meaning to the subject.

·       Essentialism refers to the traditional or back to the basic approach in education.

·       Pragmatism stresses on the application of what have learned rather than the transfer of the organized body of knowledge.

·       In perennialism truth is universal and does not depend on circumstances of place, time and person. Curriculum must be based on recurrent themes of human life for it views education as a recurring process based on eternal truths.

·       According to humanism, education is a process and should not be taken abruptly. The unfolding of human character proceeds with the unfolding of nature.

·       Progressivism focuses on the child as a whole rather than of the content or the teacher. Curriculum content comes from the questions and interests of the students.

·       Nationalism emphasizes on the development of loyalty, patriotism, national feeling and responsible citizenship.

·       Constructivism is a philosophy of learning which asserts that reality does not exist outside of human conceptions. It is the individual that construct reality by reflecting on his own experience and gives meaning to it.

·       The primary goal of Reconstructivism is to achieve the elusive social change.

·       In utilitarianism, actions are geared toward the greatest total amount of happiness that one can achieve.

·       In rationalism, the source of knowledge is the mind, independent of the senses.

·       Experimentalism is a form of empiricism and asserts that the only reliable form of knowledge is gained through scientific experiments.

·       According to Hedonism, pleasure is the only good thing to a person.

·       Epicurianism is considered as a form of ancient hedonism, it identifies pleasure  with tranquility and reduction of desire.

·       UNESCO defies global education as a goal to become aware of the educational conditions or lack of it, and aim to educate all people to certain world standards.

·       The 1987 Constitution states that the state shall protect and promote the right of  all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.

·       RA 7722 is otherwise known as the Higher Education Act of 1994 which states that the state shall ensure and protect academic freedom.

·       CHED is tasked by the state to identify centers of excellence in program areas needed for the development of world class scholarship, nation building and development.

·       RA 7796 is known as the Technical Education Skills Development (TESDA) Act of 1994. This law provided for the creation of the TESDA.

·       Batas Pemba nsa 232 or Education Act of 1982 states that students have the right to receive primarily through competent instruction, relevant quality education in line with national goals and conductive to their full development as person with the human dignity.

·       Education For All (EFA) 2015 institutionalize early childhood care and development and provide universal quality primary education.

·       Characteristics of a Child Friendly School System (CFSS) include: gender sensitive  and not discriminating, child-centered, promotes good health, has the best  interest of child in mind and works closely with children's families.

·       RA 7836 is known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994. This law provided for the creation of the Board of Professional Teachers composed of five (5) Commissioners appointed by the President of the Philippines upon the recommendations of the recognized and accredited association of teachers, institution of the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) which shall replace the Professional Board Exam for Teachers (PBET) and the transferring of authority of administering the LET from the Civil Service Commission and DECS to the Board for Professional Teachers in the Professional Regulation Commission.

·       RA 4670 is the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers which ensures stability of employment. Teachers shall enjoy academic freedom, particularly with regard to teaching and classroom methods. Teachers salary at the very least will keep pace with the rise in the cost of living by payment of cost of living index,

·       The three basic skills a professional teacher must possess are functional skills, adaptive skills and professional skills.

·       Functional skills involve the skills of a teacher in planning, organizing, controlling, communicating, motivating, developing and managing.

·       Adaptive skills are the skills like creativity, dependability, resourcefulness, persuasiveness, discipline, memory, perceptiveness and other personal skills related to self-management.

·       Professional skills refer akin to work content. It includes the teacher's knowledge of the subject matter to be taught, as well as his understanding of the philosophical, psychological, legal, social, historical dimensions of education.

·       The NCBTS is a unified framework for teacher development. It is an integrated theoretical framework that defines the different dimensions of effective teaching.