1. Psychomotor behaviors of a child depend on his perceptions and interpretation of his sensory experiences. Which of the following activities best contributes to a child's motor development?

A. Guided play activities

B. Free play activities


2. The following characterizes a child-centered Kindergarten, except:

A. Extreme orientation on academics

B. Importance of play in development


3. Which is /are the effects of motivation on students' learning and behavior?

I. Directs behavior toward particular goals.

II. Leads to increased effort and energy.

Ill. Increases initiation of and persistence in activities

A. I, II

B. I, II and III


4. For selectivity in the learning process, the novice learner attempt     process

______________. they receive in instruction.

A. all information

B. important information


5. The ability of a child to organize a number of objects according to criterion such as size, shape, or color.

A. Classification   

B. Seriation


6. Which the following factors do not contribute to facilitating the growth of creative intelligence among students?

A. Peer sanctions

B. Integrating knowledge in a variety of fields


7. There is no learned behavior which is relatively permanently chiefly because _____________.

A. Behavior changes brought about by learning are constantly modified by   subsequent experiences.

B. Past experiences are easily replaced y w experience.


8. To construct useful representations of knowledge and to acquire the thinking and the learning strategies necessary for continued learning success across the life span, students must generate and pursue personally relevant goals. This implies that teachers must:

A. Show the relevance of lesson to students' goals

B. Share their personal goals with students.


9. Which of the following examples illustrates a teacher helping students improve memory through the use of a mnemonic device?

A. A history teacher has students learn the name and ordinal position of each US President by memorizing ten each week.

B. A music teacher has students learn the lines of the staff -EGBDF- with the phrase "Every good boy does fine."


10. The professional role of teachers has changed from "the sage on the stage" to "guide from the side". This implies that ____________.

A. teachers stress on their role as teacher

B. teachers must act more as facilitators of learning


11. Which principles is/are in accordance with Tolman's theory of sign learning?

I. Learning is always purposive and goal-directed.

II. Learners select the shortest or easiest path to achieve a goal.

III. Learning is acquired through meaningful behavior.

A. I, II and III     

B. II only


12. Emotion has the power to increase learning. To apply this principle, teacher must _____________.

A. Be emotional when he/she teaches.

B. Touch students' emotion when he/she teaches.


13. Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development is the ___________ between with the child can learn on his/her own and what is accomplished with the help of others.

A. difference

B. equivalent


14. Which of the following does not belong to cognitive factors affecting learning?

A. Reason  

B. Health


15. Which of the following situations illustrate the social learning theory approach to motivation?

A. Encourage positive interpersonal relations among students.

B. Praise students whose behavior may be imitated by classmates.


16. Which of the following characteristics of individuals can be classified as emotionally disturbed?

A. Aggressive, erratic, unpredictable

B. Depressed hostile, resentful


17. According to Gardner's multiple Intelligence Theory, learners who have the natural ability and inclination for sounds, meanings, structures and sounds of language are ____________.

A. Verbal-linguistic intelligence learners

B. Musical intelligence leaners


18. Which characterize successful learners?

I. Active

II Goal-directed

III. Self-regulating

IV. Assume personal responsibility for contributing to their own learning.

A. II, III and IV             

B. I, II, Ill and IV


19. One cognitive advancement in adolescence is metacognition. What does metacognition mean?

A. Ability to analyze and synthesize

B. Ability to identify one's own thinking process and strategies.


20. In Bandura's theory, the teacher who can be observed in school is a __________.

A. symbolic Model        

B. live Model


21. Following ideas of Johann Friedrich Herbart, give the proper order of steps to develop intrinsic motivation among learners:

I. Present the topic

II. Prepare topic of interest

III. Inductive questioning

IV. New knowledge relate to life

A. II, I, III, and IV       

B. I, II, Ill and IV


22. According to Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, naturalist learners can best:

A. Mediate, reflect, exhibit self-discipline, maintain composure

B. Analyze ecological and natural situations and data


23. Which of the following best describes the factor of individual differences in learning?

A. Learning is most effective when differences in learners' social backgrounds are taken into account.

B. Learners' have different strategies, approaches and capabilities for I which are the result of prior experience and heredity.


24. In order that individual development could be understood, one has to look into the social and cultural context within which development occurs. Whose view is this

A Piaget

B. Vygotsky


25. Which Gestalt Principle is applied when we perceive object which are near each other to belong together?

A. Law of proximity     

B. Law of closure


26. Which of the following practice demonstrates scaffolding?

A. Start coloring the picture and the child continues and finishes it.

B. Helping the child finish his project.


27. Which of the following situations does not illustrate transfer of learning?

A. The learner finds it easy to play the organ because he can play the piano.

B. The boy recited the poem taught by her teacher.


28. Refers to an individual's perspective and disposition.

A. Aptitude

B. Attitude


29. Pavlov taught his subjects to respond to a neutral stimulus by:

A. Pairing it with an unconditioned stimulus

B. Using operant conditioning techniques


30. What is the process for Piaget done during our growing years, acquiring new experiences and ideas?

A. Assimilation

B. An unconditioned response


31. In Watson's experiment, little Albert's crying in the presence of the demonstrated ________________.

A.  A conditioned response    

B. An unconditioned response


32. Which of the following is an example of a variable interval schedule?

A. Taking attendance once a week on random days

B. Giving a star for an average of ten problems completed


33. Shaping is evident in which of the following situations?

A. A child learning to catch a ball is praised for attempting to reach for it before being  praised only for catching it.

B. A math student is rewarded for any attempts at solving a simple problem after mastering more problems.


34. The information-processing approach deals primarily with:

A. Information storage and retrieval mechanisms in the human memory

B. Long-term retention and transfer of learning


35. A recent study of a group of LET results reveals that those who took the Licensure Exams for Teachers right after year of graduation had higher chances of passing than those who postponed taking the LET after year of graduation. Which of Thorndike's laws explains this?

A. Frequency

B. Recency


36. According to Ausubel's subsumption theory, meaningful learning takes place when new material or relationships can be derived from the existing structure. Information can be linked to other concepts or information to create new interpretations or meaning. Which process is explained?

A. Correlative subsumption     

B. Derivative subsumption


37. Which does Tolman's term of latent learning mean?

A. Learning that is hidden and not told.

B. Learning which is not manifested at the time of learning but which manifests later when a suitable motivation and circumstances appear.


38. Retroactive inhibition is illustrated in which of the following examples?

A. A student needs more trials to memorize a list of chemistry symbols after successfully memorizing a list of biology terms.

B. A student learns to play a new instrument, then realizes that he has lost the technique for a previously learned instrument.


39. What kind of motivation is shown by a person who keeps on practicing his guitar for the joy he get from playing?

A. Intrinsic

B. Extrinsic


40. To what does Piaget's cognitive theory that the ability to determine that a quantity will remain the same despite adjustment of the container shape apparent size refer?

A. Accommodation        

B. Conservation


41. Research says that children use private speech more when tasks are difficult, after they have made errors and when they are not sure how to proceed. What does this imply?

I. Insist on silence or no talking rule when children are occupied with a task.

II. Allow children to engage in private talk while taking the written test.

III. Encourage children to do private talk to improve their performance.

 A. II and III

B. I, II and III



42. Who gave the most authentic assessment task for the instructional objective " Solve word problems involving operations with fraction.”

 A. Mr. Pastor who asked his students to construct a word problem given a number sentence involving operations on fractions and then solve the problem they have constructed.

B Mr. Ildefonso who asked students to construct any word problem on operations with fractions then formed pairs, exchanged problems and helped each other solve the problems.


43. Here is a learning outcome: Interpret assessment result. How should this be assessed?

A. Present data on score distribution, mean, standard deviation then ask the students  to interpret the meaning of the data

B. Ask: Is there a need to interpret data? Why?


44. What is an advantage of a 4-point scale rubric?

A. There is no column for undecided and so everyone has to make a choice.

B. It is easier to choose because there are only four alternatives to choose from.


45. Here is a True-False test: Based on research findings, girls usually develop earlier than boys. What is faulty with the test item?

I. It makes use of a specific determiner, usually.

II. The word "usually" gives clue to the answer.

III. It is a sweeping statement.

IV. It is an opinionated statement.

A. I and IV 

B. I and II


46. The class was taught how to conduct an action research and was required an end- of- the- term written research report. The class was taught how to do the research report and was shown as an Analytic Scoring Rubric for them to know how they will be graded. The class took the Scoring Rubric as guide in the making of their research report. They were all motivated to pass an excellent research report and as a group checked now and then if they were true to the qualities of an excellent research report as seen in the scoring rubric. What form of assessment is described?

A. Assessment AS Learning   

B. Assessment FOR and AS Learning


47. At the end of the school year which is/are TRUE of grades?

I. The General Average is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by

 the total numbers of learning.

II. Each learning area has equal weight in computing for the General Average.

III. The Final Grade per learning area and the General Average are reported as whole numbers.

A. I and II   

B. I, II and III


48. How is the final grade per subject for Grades 11 and 12 obtained?

A. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 2 semesters.

B. Get the average of the grades for the 2 Quarters.


49. Which of the following types of portfolio is intended for you to realize your learning outcomes?  

A. Evaluation portfolio

B. Assessment portfolio


50. Which is/are TRUE of MAPEH when it comes to grade computation?

I. The quarterly grade is the average of the quarterly grades in the four areas- Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH)

II. Individual grades are given to each area (MAPEH)

III. There is one grade for Music and Arts, PE and Health because ti are

A. I only    

B. I and II


51. A type of error committed in grading the performance of the students by the rater who avoids both extremes of the scale and tends to rate everyone as average.

A. Severity error

B. Central tendency error


52. In a class of 50 students, Romeo obtained a score of 30 which is the first quartile. What does his score imply?

A. Below the 3rd decile

B. Above the first quartile


53. What is the most appropriate for the teacher's engagement in the process of assessment?

A. To find out if the lesson was presented well.

B. To find out if lesson objectives were obtained.


54. Teacher lah does not give quizzes but relies on summative assessment results. What could add to a more valid assessment of learning?

A. Data from multiple sources

B. Data from informal assessment


55. Compared with evaluation which is sub  testing students is more objective

because it is based on:

A. Quantifiable data    

B. Class work


56. Which of the following essay topic best measure problem solving skill and originality?

A. Images of Philippine presidency

B. Human rights issue during POST-EDSA Philippine democracy


57. In a diagnostic assessment, what rubrics is good to use?

A. Holistic

B. Analytical


58. How should grades be reported to parents?

A. Every end of the year 

B. Regularly


59. Algie showed a video in her class about the life in an urban poor community. She wants to determine how the video changed students' thoughts about the life of these underprivileged people. What technique is appropriate for this?

A. Role Play

B. Reflection Log


60. Teacher Jimenez does not teach well. His students do not study well, too. Expected learning outcomes are not clear to both teacher and students. Teacher Jimenez assessment tasks are not aligned to learning outcomes. What is most likely the result of assessment? Describe the score distribution.

A. Skewed to the right  

B. Skewed to the left


61. What kind of assessment is a post-test?

A. Process assessment    

B. Outcome assessment


62. To maximize the amount of time spent for performance-based assessment, which one should be done?

A. Plan task that can be used for instruction and assessment at the same time task

B. Assess one objective for one performance task


63. Which statements represent criterion-referenced interpretation?

A. Sarah's score indicates that she is able to solve about two thirds of all one-variable linear equations of such complexity.

B. Students who have reached Sarah's level on linear equations usually succeed in the subsequent unit on simultaneous equations with special help or extra time; i.e., Sarah is ready to move ahead.


64. Which of the following test items can effectively measure HOTS cognitive learning objectives?

A. Achievement test

B. Extended essay test


65. Why is performance given the largest weight in TLE and MAPEH?

A. They are dominantly physical skill subjects.

B. They have no cognitive aspect.


66. Which is a norm-referenced statement?

A. Mariz performed better in spelling than 60% of his classmates.

B. Mariz was able to spell 90% of the words correctly.


67. If a teacher wants to measure her students' ability to discriminate, which of these is an appropriate type of test item as implied by the direction?

A. "Summarize the lesson yesterday."

B. "Group the following items according to shape."


68. Which applies when there are extreme scores?

A. The median will not be a very reliable measure of central tendency.

B. The mean will not be very reliable measure of central tendency.


69. Which statement on test result interpretation is correct?

A. A student's score is a final indication of his ability.

B. The use of statistical technique gives meaning to pupil's scores.


70. Which test items do not affect variability of test scores?

A. Test items that are a bit easy.

B. Test items that every examinee gets correctly.


71. Who is retained in the same grade level for Grade 1 to 10? Any students who did not meet expectations __________.

A. In three or more learning areas  

B. In four learning areas


72. What happen when a student in Grade 1 to 10 did not meet expectations in two

learning areas?

A. Promoted to the next grade level after passing remedial classes for learning areas with failing mark

B. Promoted in the next grade level but has back subjects in the lower grade level


73. In MAPEH and TLE, which contributes heaviest to the student grade?

A. Performance task

B. Quarterly assessment and performance task


74. An assessment that uses the _same or similar questions and is evaluated using the same criteria for all test-takers is referred to as a _________ assessment.

A. standardized  

B. summative


75. Mr. Aranas uses an assessment to evaluate children's knowledge and ability formed in pre-school and in the home. He is using a__________ assessment.

A. scholastic aptitude     

B. school readiness


76. A school principal wants to know the cost and length of time needed to administer an exam. This refers to the __________ of the exam.

A. reliability

B. practicality


77. If a teacher wants to assess predictive validity of a test, a common way to achieve this is by ________.

A. administering an assessment, then a few weeks of/months later observe the students success or competence on those concepts

B. creating two versions of the test and givin half of the class one version and the other half the second version


78. A teacher includes three test items the assess the same concept. This teacher is attempting to assess _____________ reliability of the instrument.

A. test-retest

B. parallel-form


79. Mr. Hunt has been emphasizing the use of performance-based assessments in his science class. What type of performance assessment is he most likely to use to grade his students on their knowledge of the principles of gravity?

A. Multiple-choice test about the principles of gravity.

B. Experiment which involves dropping different objects to assess the rate of descent.


80. Which of the following patterns of scores lies mostly in the mid-range?

A. The normal distribution    

B. The standard distribution


81. A group of ten students take a test and they all get an A. Which of the following statistical results would be true for this group?

A. A very small standard deviation 

B. A normal distribution


82. Scores that indicate the level of knowledge or skills a student possesses in a specific area are referred to as ____________.

A. norm-referenced        

B. criterion-referenced


83. What type of assessment determines what is going on, whether the students are improving towards mastery of lesson?

A. Summative assessment        

B. Formative assessment


84. Learning outcome: Use the correct tense of verb in sentences. Which test item is aligned?

A. I (am going, go) to school everyday.

B. Birds are (fly, flies).


85. Which is an improved version of this True-False test item? With mandatory Kindergarten and Grades 1 to 12, the Philippines has one of the best if not the best educational system in the world.

A. The K to 12 program makes the Philippine educational system one of the gest in the world.

B. According to Columnist Cruz, with mandatory Kindergarten and Grade 1 to 12, the Philippines has one of the best, if not the best, educational system in the world.


86. Learning outcome. Draw implications of research findings on lifestyle disease. Which test is aligned?

A. What does research say about lifestyle diseases? Do you agree? Why or why not?

B. What may be inferred from the research findings presented?


87. Learning outcome: Take a stand on the issue on same sex marriage and defend the same. Which test item is aligned?

A. Do you favor same sex marriage? Why or why not?

B. Is there any advantage of same sex marriage?


88. Which of the following is usually measured by a performance checklist?

A. The frequency of students' behaviors and remarks

B. A certain desired behavior of an individual towards a completion of a particular task


89. What is the purpose of a pre-test?

A. To determine entry knowledge or skills

B. To grade learners


90. Which of the following is an example of an open-ended question?

A. Do you think the lawmaking body should ratify this Reproductive Health Bill?

B. How will renewal of marriage contract after ten years affect the social image of Filipino women?


91.Teacher Ellaine shows her colleagues sample prototype products which she often uses in assessing outputs or projects of her students in Values Education. What are prototype products?

A. Technologically advanced devices used in determining quality of students' outputs

B. Samples of products in different levels of skills and expertise possessed by a  teacher over his or her years of teaching experience


92. It is the process of gathering and analyzing specific information as part of an evaluation.

A. Assessment

B. Evaluation


93. Reliability of tests can be improved by various factors, and one is ____________ in Which scores are spread over a range of abilities.

A. heterogeneous of the student group

B. increased number of score items


94. Which one can enhance the comparability of grades?

A. Using a common conversion table for translating test scores into ratings

B. Individual teachers giving weights to factors considered for ratings


95. In his conduct of item analysis, Teacher Prince found out that more from lower group got test item #6 correctly. This means that the test item is__________.

A has a negative discriminating power

B. has a positive discriminating power


96. While letting her pupils read on the blackboard, Mrs. Ruby, a Grade I teacher, uses a piece of illustration board to cover the succeeding lines of a passage that the children  focus only on the line being read and then uncovers the next line they are through reading the first line. Which accurate eye movement does the teacher try to develop?

A. Fixation

B. Return sweep


97. What do learners make use of when they visually examine words to discover component parts like impossible which is made up of im + possible, which lead to pronunciation and meaning?

A. Structural analysis

B. Context clues


98. A limited vocabulary is a setback to efficient reading. What does this statement imply about the learner?

A. Be equipped with certain skills to attack unfamiliar words

B. Master all lexical items in one language.


99. Teacher wants to teach his pupils the technique on reading for information. Which technique should be used?

A. Story map        



100. In acquiring language competence, what is the process of attaching meaning to words?

A. Syntax

B. Semantics