Notable Names in Education

v Socrates -“know thy self”

v Plato - wrote the “Republic”

v Aristotle - Father of Modern Sciences

v Ciero - Wrote the “Oratore”

v Quintillian - Wrote” Institution Oratoria” he was a famous Grammaticus

v Anselm - father of scholasticism

v Abelard - spearheaded Conceptualism

v St. Thomas Aquinas - “wrote” Summa Theologiae”

v Erasmus - suggested that education be in accordance with the needs of society, he was a humanist who advocated the importance of studying the character of the child

v Ascham - wrote the “Schoolmaster” condemning brutal punishment in English schools during his time.

v John Amos Comenius - father of modern education, he wrote the first picture book” Orbis Senualium Pictus”

v Mulcaster - said that” Education should be in accordance with nature”

v John Locke-“tabula rasa’ ( blank sheet)

v John Jacques Rosseau - wrote” Emile” (Education should be in accordance with the nature of the child)

v Pestallozzi - defined education as the natural , symmetrical and harmonious development of the faculties of the child

v Herbart - conceived education as aimed towards the development of morality and virtue. He is famous for the Herbatian Method in psychology

v Froebel - father of kindergarten

v John Dewey - “Education is not preparation for life, it is life”

v St.John Baptiste de la Salle - patron saint of teachers

v Maria Montessori - advocated the child-centered education and prepared environment