Prof Ed September 2019 result


1. Teacher A avoids giving out-of-context drills. Instead
he makes use of real-world problems for his students
to solve. Doing so makes Teacher A _______in
A. Inquiry-based C. Reflective
B. Constructivist D. Developmentally

2. In the 4A’s of facilitating learning, the first thing
that a teacher should do is:
A. Abstraction C. Activity
B. Analysis D. Application

3. In the 4A’s approach to facilitating learning, the
students learn best to relate ideas to real life
A. Abstraction C. Activity
B. Analysis D. Application

4. Which test measure is basic to select and connect
A.. Multiple choice C. Mapping
B. Matching type D. Outlining

5. Which test a subjective and less reliable for scoring
and grading?
A. Completion C. True or false
B. Essay D. Matching

6. Teacher Dada wants to test student’s acquisition of
declarative knowledge. Which test is appropriate?
A. Performance test C. Short answer test
B. Submission of a report D. Essay

7. A seating arrangement that is used for a small
A. Traditional C. Circular
B. Horseshoe D. Rectangular

8. Teacher A would like to cover a wide variety of
objectives in the quarterly examinations in his English
class lesson on subject verb agreement. Which of the
following type of test the most appropriate?
A. True or False C. Multiple choice
B. Essay D. Matching type

9. Among the types of assessment below, which does
not belong to the concept-group?
A. Multiple choice C. True or false
B. Matching type . D. Completion test

10. Which type of test measures student’s thinking,
organizing and written communication skills?
A. Completion C. True or false
B. Essay D. Matching

10. What is the highest career stage of a teacher in
the PPST?
A. Distinguished C. Highly Proficient
B. Proficient D. Most Proficient

11. Senior high school student in private schools are
A. Scholarship C. Voucher
B. Low tuition free D. Discount in tuition free

12. When a child says that the sun is sleeping at night,
the child is in the pre-operational stage,
A. animism C. egocentrism
B. centration D. reversibility

13. When the daughter is competing with the mother
for the father's attention, the daughter is said to be
experiencing _____.
A. Electra complex. C. identity crisis.
B. Oedipus complex D. Sexual deviation

14. According to Piaget’s cognitive concept, what is the
learning experience structure during infancy and early
A. Accommodation C. Schema
B. Assimilation D. Equilibrium

15. Bandura's theory, the teacher who can be observed
in a school is____.
A. Symbolic model C. Virtual model
B. Live model D. Verbal model

16. Advance organizers use ____ to make connections
among various pieces of information for Efficient recall
A. Visual imagery C. Organization
B. Elaboration D. Rehearsal

17. Bruner said that there should be revisiting an old
curriculum and for full understanding of ideas
A. Enrichment curriculum C. Spiral curriculum
B. Advanced organizers D. Concept mapping

18. A teaching cycle is not complete without _____ of
A. reviewing C. planning
B. recycling D. assessment

19. Among thinking skills, Analysis means,
A. Comparing information proper choices
B. selecting relevant and important information
C. Breakdown complex information
D. placing information

20. Which cognitive ability is tested in the essay
question. A listing of ways to tackle noise pollution.
A. Creating C. Inferring
B. Classifying D. Generalization

21 To learn complex subject matter, it is most
effective to
experience from information and
A. classify facts C. construct meaning
B. organize ideas D. divide elements

22 The promulgation of Code of ethics for professional
Teachers under Resolution 435 of the PRC expressly
covers teachers in all educational intuitions at the
following levels, and implicitly at the________.
A. Elementary C. Preschool and Primary
B. Tertiary D. Secondary

23. Based on bloom's taxonomy, this activity is suitable
to contribute to comprehension and learning but NOT to
include ___________.
A causal relationship C. outline
B. analogy D. text reading

24. How does a novice learner acquire information?
A. Selected information C. All the information
B. Important information D. Meaningful information

25. What kind of knowledge processing was involved
when teacher when teacher A asked his students to
reflect on themselves as self-learners?
A. Deduction C. Metacognition
B. Observation D Induction

26. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of
education in the course teaching profession, based on
Bloom's revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive
structure or processing are you?
A. Applying C. Analyzing
B. Creating D. Evaluating

27. Successful learners contribute to their own learning
by assuming the following traits except?
A. Goal-directed C. Docile
B. Active D. Self-regulating

28. How would you describe teacher J initiative in
relating to everyone in class without playing favorite?
A. Exclusive C. Constructive
B. Inclusive`1 D. Competitive

29. What kind of multiple question is: "For an
agricultural country like the Philippines, which should the
country advance for its economic development: (a)
agriculture production (b) industrial development (c)
tourism (d) finance and banking"?
A. Application of a concept C. Simple knowledge
B. Assessment of a problem D. Application of a formula

30. Which standardized test is used to measure
performance in completed subjects at various grade
A. Remedial test C. Aptitude test
B. Achievement test D. Intelligence test

31. Along piaget principles, what will you apply along the
need to use props and visual aids to help children
understand ideas?
A. introduce dialogue exchange
B. use drawing and illustrations
C. do drills and repetitive exercise
D. Send pupils in a field trip

32. Teacher A is sincere and honest in words and
deeds as he has____?
A. Buoyancy C. Intelligence
B. Innovativeness D. Reliability

33. A teacher who is moody, a loner, easily giving up
with poor interpersonal relationship?
A. Buoyancy C. Intelligence
B. Innovativeness D. Reliability

34. Open environment for discussing opinions without
fear of being wrong
A. Debate C. Symposium
B. Buzz Session D. Committee

35. Proponent of Learning by heart, heads and hands
A. Herbart C. Pestalozzi
B. Froebel D. Vygotsky

36. The professional standard in the PQF is best
A. As by law C. As by ethical code
B. As by benchmark D. As by Civic conduct

37. Values of agreeable, disagreeable or strong sensual?
A. Vital Values C. Pleasure Values
B. Psychic Values D. Holy and Unholy Values

38. What type of test is National Career Assessment
Examination (NCAE)?
A. Placement test C. Formative test
B. Summative test D. Aptitude test

39. According to Jean Piaget's, cognitive development
theory a childlike Cinderella is in stage of ?
A. Sensorimotor C. Egocentrism
B. Pre-operational stage D. Formal operational

40. What is the lowest form of learning?
A. Perceiving C. Conditioning
B. Responding D. Teaching

41. Which of the following is the study of human
A. Philosophy C. Ethics
B. Morality D. Psychology

42. According to Maslow, the highest of the need in
the Hierarchy of Needs theory is
A. Psychological need C Belongingness
B. Self actualization D. Safety

43. More senses are involved in the learning process
A. Exhibit C. Demonstration
B. Lecture D. Field trip

46. Summative assessment is______?
A. Assessment in learning C. Assessment for learning
B. Assessment as learning D. Assessment of learning

47. ______is an actual concept sharing of teaching
and student
A. Inquiry-related C. Metacognitive
B. Substitution learning D. Constructivist

48. Technology advances in education by using_____
A. Audio visual C. Improvised
B. Digital D. Supplementary

49. The most important contribution of the Gestalt
psychology to the theories of learning
A. Use of multimedia approaches
B. Importance of reinforcement
C. Concept of readiness in learning
D. Cognitive insight

50. If a student failed to pass 2 subjects, he/she will
A. Retain in the same level
B. Take remedial classes
C. Move to the next grade level
D. Transfer to another school

51. Show the chronological development of curriculum
A. Legal foundations C. Historical Foundations
B. Philosophical Foundations D. Psychological Foundations

52. What materials can be used when intended
materials are not available?
A. Supplementary materials C. Improvised materials
B. Audio-visual materials D. Digital materials

53. Teacher A observed that one of his followers excels
in activities requiring strength, speed, flexibility, balance,
and hand-eye coordination. According to H. Gardner,
such natural intelligence can be identified as _____.
A. bodily-kinesthetic C. interpersonal
B. intrapersonal D. verbal-linguistic

54. Rote learning in the teaching-learning process is
best described as ___.
A. automated C. discovery
B. in-depth D. motivated

55. Along piaget principles, what will you apply along the
need to use props and visual aids to help children
understand ideas?
A. introduce dialogue exchange
B. use drawing and illustrations
C. do drills and repetitive exercise
D. Send pupils in a field trip

56. Based on Blooms Taxonomy, which of the following
can be best effective for making a synthesis of
A. A comparison standard C. A text reading
B. A definition D. A plan

57. This is a tool for assessment for spatially intelligent
A. Oral demonstration enacting movie scene
B. Writing inner thoughts
C. Landscape drawing
D. Written report

58. Teacher Tess gives importance to
"Wellness: Which needs to be developed
among individual learners and so she
gives focus on _____.
A. Spiritual values C. Values of the holy
B. Pleasure values D. Vital values

59. Here is a test item: "Jose Rizal was born in
Calamba Laguna on June ___ 1861." What is WRONG
with the item?
A. It is concerned in trivia
B. The blank is very short
C. It is open to more than one correct answer
D. The black is near the end

60. In order for the students to clearly understand the
structure and content of the teacher's presentation,
the teacher should have
A. short preview
B. several years of experience as a presenter
C. short conclusion
D. a summary

61. Assessment of learning is _____ to the teachinglearning process.
A. auxiliary C. integral
B. enrichment D. add-on

62. Who authored the three-tiered model of learningenactive, iconic and symbolic and emphasized that we
should not teach directly to the abstract level without
adequate foundation of the concrete?
A. Jerome Bruner C. Erik Erikson
B. Jean Piaget D. Lev Vygotsky

63. What is PQF?
A. A framework for qualifications of professionals in
the Philippines
B. A framework of levels of the Philippine Education
C. A framework for all courses in tertiary
D. A framework for job qualifications to determine

64. The teacher as facilitator adds vigor, light and life
in the classroom.
A. Composure C. Presence
B. Uniform D.. Reticence

65. The meaning of AQRF
A. ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework
B. Asian Qualifications Reference Framework
C. ASEAN Quality Reference Framework
D. Asian Quality Reference Framework

66. On transferring learning, how will you classify the
presentation of invited social researcher discussing the
effect of social media.
A. Utilization -related C. Inquiry-related
B. Learner-related D. Concept-related
67. Riya is afraid of exams. Her teacher usually gives an
exam every friday. now, riya is afraid of Friday even
though it is not certain whether or not her teacher will
give an exam on the day. Which Theory illustrate Riya's
A. Classical conditioning C. Operant Conditioning
B. Constructivist theory D. Connectionism theory

68. Which standardized test us used to measure
performance is complete grade levels?
A. Aptitude test C. Intelligence test
B. Achievement test D. Remedial test

69. According to Gardner's multiple intelligence theory.
Spatial intelligence learners are inclined /disposal to.
A. One's own strength, goals and desires
B. Colors, shapes
C. body language, moods, voice, feelings
D. Touch, movement physical self.

70. A child treats his friend highly aggressive. The
reason behind this attitude in his past experience with
his father who is also highly aggressive. This is
demonstrated on what theory.
A. Cognitive developmental theory
B. Operant conditioning
C. Social cognitive theory
D. Classical conditioning

71. The school conducted a general student election for
the Supreme Student Council. The election is patterned
after the COMELEC system. The school is using what
kind of technique?
A. Symposium C. Simulation
B. Panel discussion D. Dramatization

72. The speaker shows COMPOSURE in a big audience.
The capitalized word means:
A. Nervousness C. Calmness
B. Agitation D. Excitement

73. What is “frustration control” in the reading
Strategies of the teacher to student
A. Student’s frustration of not being able to read
B. Remove the stress

74. As a head teacher, what task will you give to a
beginning teacher
A. Demo subjects C. Subject “pegs”
B. light subject D. Subject overload

75. Natural and Physical science is more important
than humanities
A. Empiricism C. Progressivism
B. Naturalism D. Essentialism

76. Focused in on 3 r’s
A. Essentialism C. Progressivism
B. Existentialism D. Empiricism
78. Gestalt theory is well known for its concept of

A. Situation. C. Cognition
B. Perception D.. Insight
79. Which psychological theory states that the mind
insists on finding patterns in things that contribute to
the development of insight?
A. Piaget's psychology C. Gestalt psychology
B. Bruner’s theory D. Kohlberg's psychology

80. The theme of Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory
emphasizes the role of appropriate assistance given by
the teacher to accomplish a task.
A. competency technique C. active participation
B. scaffolding D. collaboration

81. Which educational level/s provide/s for free and
compulsory education as stipulated in Article IV, Section
2 of the Philippine Constitution?
A. Elementary level
B. Secondary level
C. Elementary and secondary levels
D. Tertiary level

82. Human development begins in this stage.
A. Conception C. Schooling
B. Birth D. Early childhood

83. The results of assessment must be provided
the soonest possible time______
A. Parents C. Registrar
B. Principal D. Students

84. What is the purpose of a pre-test?
A. To assess results
B. To apply an intervention
C. To determine entry knowledge or skills
D. To grade learners

85. What is the philosophy of education derived?
A. National education policies and goals
B. School spirit
C. Theories of teaching and learning
D. Comparative curriculum

86. What does a philosophy of education provide for the
school agenda and those who benefit from educational
A. Curriculum C. Values
B. Vision D. Goals

87. What kind of sources do critical thinkers rely on for
attaining truth or resolving problems?
A. Biased C. opinionated
B. credible D. vested interest

88. Which learning activities involve estimating,
calculating, budgeting and analyzing?

A. Research C. Data gathering
B. Literacy D. Numeracy

89. What kind of assessment is a post test?
A. Process assessment C. Diagnostic assessment
B. Outcome assessment D. Self assessment

90. Especially in research which activities lead to
discovery and insights on issues and concerns?
A. Interactive C. Integrative
B. Interdisciplinary D. Innovative

91. Which of the following can best encourage
participating by learners on the issue of family
A. Graphs and Charts C. Role playing
B. Power-point presentation D. Photos
92. What is the special program given to the students
who can't read?
A. Reading program C. Language program
B. Literary program D. Phonic program

93. Performance experiment is an example of ___.
A. demonstration
B .direct purposeful experience
C. contrived experience
D. dramatized experience

94. When do we need to evaluate the curriculum?
A. Whenever somebody suggests it
B. Whenever necessary
C. Every academic year
D. Every quarter

95. Which is an exemption in the code of ethics of
A. Principal C. Division office superintendent
B. Librarian D. Master teacher

96. Teacher A wanted his students to rate their own
work using the scoring rubric
A. Applying C. Analyzing
B. Evaluating D. Synthesizing

97. In Bruner's Three-tiered, which is action based?
A. Iconic learning C. Inactive learning
B. Enactive learning D. Symbolic learning
98. Which pillar of learning describes the phrase "Unity in
A. Learning to live together C. Learning to know
B. Learning to be D. Learning to do

99. When a child says that the sun is sleeping at night,
the child is in the pre-operational stage,
A. animism C. egocentrism
B. centration D. reversibility

100. When the daughter is competing with the mother
for the father’s attention, the daughter is said to be
experiencing _______
A. Electra Complex C. Identity Crisis
B. Oedipus complex D. Sexual Deviation

101. In a classroom curriculum implementation, which is
referred to as the "Green flag" ?
A. Content delivery bias
B. Too much chalkboard talk
C. Rigid Movement
D. Student interest

102. Who coined the term "scaffolding" ?
A. Bruner C. Vygotsky
B. Piaget D. Pavlov

103. As an investigative tool, assessment can help
discover various aspects of students learning, but these
does not include_____.
A. what students already know
B. what students can do
C. what students expect to learn
D. metacognitive knowledge

104. Among important characteristics of successful
teaching, which connotes dress, physique, freedom from
personal defects, personal magnetism, neatness,
cleanliness, posture, and personal charm?
A. Drive C. Dominance
B. Attractiveness D Buoyancy

105. Once the grading period is done and all grades are
recorded to whom the teacher will present the grades?
A. Students C. Principal
B. Parents D. Registrar

106. Which of the following is consider as the nursery of
the state?
A. Home C. Religion
B. School D. Politics
107. Which of the ff. is Universal and unchanging?
A. Freedom C. Love
B. Justice D. Beliefs

108. A small group of students usually 3-6 persons
discussing or solving a problem?
A. Debate C. Group dynamics
B. Buzz session D. Open forum C. Group

109. What type of test items requires students to blend,
combine, fuse and integrate ideas or causes?
A. Application C. Synthesis
B. Evaluation D. Analysis

110. Which of the following construct is NOT at the level
of critical thinking
A. preferring and evaluating C. guessing and believing
B. grouping and classifying D. associating and grasping

111. Learners are information processors. Whose thought is
A. Gestalt theorist C. Behaviorist
B. Metacognitivist D. Cognitivist
112. Of the following, which is most effective for
influencing human emotion for retention and discovery
of learning?
A. Drills to argument retention
B. Use of inspirational tool ( book,film,art,etc.)
C. Telling of jokes in teaching
D. Emotional delivery of lessons

113.. Which of the following is an acceptable initiative
conducive to the teacher’s making a difference in the
achievement of new generations of the country’s
A. Greatest prestige in the community
B. Wearing of distinctive teacher’s uniform
C. Highest pay in the country
D. Quality teacher preparation

114. What kind of knowledge processing was involved
when teacher A asked his students to reflect on
themselves as self-learners?
A. Deduction C. Meta-cognition
B. Observation D. Induction

115. Which is understood by an eye wink, simple nodding
of a head, or wave of a hand?
A. Facial expression C. Verbal communication
B. Gesture D. Body language

116. The first step in constructing achievement tests.
A. Determine the highest rating to be given to students
B. Determine the content and skills covered by test
C. Determine the characteristics of the examinees
D. Assess the teaching capability of teachers.

117. When you begin teaching with concrete experience
then come in with conclusion, which method do you
A. deductive
B. it depends on your type of generalization
C. inductive
D. it depends on the quantity of details you bring in

118. Which method is more interactive?
A. deductive
B. deductive, if teacher wants to
C. inductive
D. Inductive, if teacher chooses to

119. When you begin teaching with the generalization
then bring in details, which method do you employ?
A. deductive
B. it depends on your type of generalization
C. inductive
D. it depends on the quantity of details you bring in

120. A teacher discovers that a product of a certain
bottling company brings about damage to teeth. Much
as he wants to share the findings of his study , he
could not because the company is harassing him.
Which teacher's right is violated?
A. Academic freedom C. Right to property
B. Right to one's honor D. Right to make livelihood

121. Teacher Dada’s lesson was on “what man can do
to arrest climate change”. She made students do the
talking, the arguing, and the synthesizing. She gave her
lecturette after students have participated in the lively
discussion. Which teaching approach did Teacher Dada
A. Learner-centered approach
B. Activity-centered approach
C. subject matter-centered approach
D. Teacher-centered approach

122. Learning is an active process. Which one is an
application of this principle?
A. Let student learn the steps In opening a computer
by making them follow the steps.
B. Group students for work or project that way project
becomes less expensive.
C. Teach your content from a multidisciplinary
D. Avoid drills which are out of context.

123. For those who successfully pass the Licensure
Examination for Teachers, the _______ signed by the
Chairman of the Philippine Regulation Commission Serves
as evidence for lawful practice profession.
A. Professional Oath copy
B. Professional registration fee receipt
C. Merit examination certificate
D. Professional license

124. What kind of authority is best applied in guiding
millennial youths or learning?
A. Laissez faire C. Authoritative
B. Rigorous D. Relational

125. The_____is a quiet informal group (usually four of
five students ) serving as an panel with an audience.
A. committee C. buzz session
B. round-table D. critiquing group

126. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching
assignments that adversely affect their teaching. Does
this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with
a. Yes, if they are given other assignments justice
demands that they be properly compensated.
b. No, because every teacher is expected to provide
leadership and initiative in activities for betterment of
c. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers,
are tasked to lead in community activities
d. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job

127. Teacher A wants the group to evaluate an issue by
having the group act out jury trial. Which technique will
he employ?
A. critiquing C. majority-rule decision making
B. panel D. simulation

128. The new global landscape of the 21st century shows
the following EXCEPT one. Which one is not?
A. Learners environment can be any place.
B. There are multiple ways of teaching.
C. Teachers are ICT equipped.
D. Learners are attuned to rote memorization.

129. According to Gardner's multiple intelligence theory,
naturalist learned can be ____.
A. use hands to fix and create, and use bodily
B. analyze ecological and natural situations and data
C. mediate, reflect, exhibit self-discipline, maintain
D. work with people and help them overcome problems

130. The ability to work well with others by tapping
each other’s talents and skills
A. Citizenship C. Creativity
B. Collaboration D. Critical thinking

131. Which is the criteria for the selection and use of
instructional materials?
A. Alignment with intended outcomes C. Varied
B. SMART D. In three domains

132. Among thinking strategies, Comprehension
Monitoring is the ability_____.
A. to check progress
B. to make appropriate choices
C. to be relaxed yet alert
D. to synthesize new information

133. Which assessment tool will you use that
performance result highly measurable?
A. Tests and quizzes C. Journal writing
B. Essay requirement D. Demonstration of skills

134. Among major school of learning theories, which
consider how the individual perceives the learning
environment or situation?
A. Cognitive theories C. Behavioral theories
B. Social theories D. Field & Gestalt theories

135. According to Confucius, what is the best way to rule
a people and attain harmony?
A. by allowing people to do as they please
B. by allowing consulting the governed
C. by force
D. by moral example

136. In introducing a new lesson what is important to
consider by way of lesson continuity.
A. introduce new lesson
B. prepare new audio visuals
C. have a pre-test for new lesson
D. relate new ideas to past lesson

137. Teacher A sees to it that her classroom is clean
and orderly so his pupils will less likely disarrange seats
and litter on the floor. On which thought is his action
A. Reconstructionism C. Progressivism
B. Existentialism D. Behaviorism

138. One cognitive advancement in adolescence is
metacognition, What does metacognition mean?
A. Ability to do problem solving
B. Ability to recall and explain
C. Ability to analyze and synthesize
D. Ability to identify one’s own thinking process and

139. When teachers conduct a series of evaluation to
determine the extent of teaching, what must be
A. Hidden curriculum C. Taught curriculum
B. Learned curriculum D. Assessed curriculum

140. To teach students to be less competitive,
which teaching approach should be used more?
A. Interdisciplinary C. Integration
B. Collaboration D. Reflection

141. For selectivity in the learning process, the Novice
Learner attempts to process ______ they receive in
A. selected information C. manageable information
B. important information D. all information

142. Which of the following is true of a case study?
A. It requires data from other events
B. It is always reliable and dependable
C. It applies specifically to a population
D. It is applicable to the universal population

143. Which of the following is NOT a function of
scientific research?
A. To test assumptions
B. To determine cause-and-effect
C. To test hypothesis
D. To rely on controlled methods

144. What is the most appropriate tagline for the
slogan on Cultural diversity, "Different roads sometimes
lead to the same castle"
A. Cultural diversity
B. Unity amid cultural diversity
C. Cultural norms
D. Cultural identity

145. Without abandoning other duties of a teacher,
Teacher A considers herself mainly as a facilitator by
which her students become curious a discover idea on
their own. This ideal for a ______class.
A. Activity-centered B. student-centered
C. lesson-centered D. teacher-centered

146. What is the process for Piaget done during our
growing years, acquiring new experiences and ideas?
A. Assimilation
B. Equilibrium
C. Schematization
D. Accommodation
