Mathematics and ICT

62 is the smallest positive number which, when it is divided by 3, 4 or 5, will leave a remainder of 2.

A fraction whose denominator is equal to or greater than the numerator, such as 6/4 is an improper fraction.

A geometrical close bounded figure which has 20 sides is known as an icosagon.

A graph that uses bars with equal ranges of values is a histogram.

A line where two faces meet in a three-dimensional structure is termed as the edge.

A line whose points correspond to numbers is a number line.

A number less than zero is denoted with the symbol (-). Negative 3 = -3, is negative number.

A number squared is multiplied by itself, the square root of a number is whatever integer gives the original number when multiplied by itself.

A number that can be divided or is divisible by 2 is an even number.

A number that cannot be represented as a decimal or fraction is said to be irrational.

A parallelogram with four sides of equal length and no right angles is a rhombus.

A perfect number refers to a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its positive divisors. By this rule, 6 is the smallest perfect number.

A tenant was awarded a house and lot package worth P180,000.00. She has to pay the package for 20 years at 9% per annum. The house and lot will cost P504.00 after 20 years.

A Venn diagram is usually shown as two overlapping circles and is used to compare two sets. The overlapping section contains information that is true of both sides or sets and the non-overlapping portions each represent a set and contain information that is only true of their set.

Absolute value is the distance between a number and 0 on a number line.

Albert Girard published a treatise on trigonometry which contains the earliest use of the abbreviations: sin, tan, sec for sine, tangent and secant.

Algebra is the use of letters of the alphabet to represent numbers in equations, formulas, and rules.

Algebraic expression is an expression that contains a variable.

Also known as Gaussian distribution, normal distribution refers to a probability distribution that is reflected across the mean or center of a bell curve.

Among all shapes with the same perimeter, a circle has the largest area.

An 18th Century Swiss Mathematician, Jacob Bernoulli introduced the "Law of Large Numbers" in his "The Art of Conjecture". In statistics, this implies that the larger the sample, the more likely will the sample become representative of the population.

Ana and Beth do a job together in three hours. Working alone, Ana does the job in 5 hours. It will take Beth 7 and 1⁄2 hours to do the job alone.

Angle is a figure formed by two rays or two line segments with a common endpo the vertex of the angle.

Area of Circle is computed as: π x r2

Area of Parallelogram is computed as: area = base x height

Area of Rectangle is computed as: area = length x width

Area of Triangle is computed as: area = (1⁄2) (base) (height)

Arithmetic mean (average) = Sum of values / Number of values

A bar graph is a graph with horizontal or vertical bars that represent data.

Blaise Pascal has been described as the greatest "might-have-been" in history of mathematics.

A cartographer is a person who makes maps.

Celsius is a temperature scale on which pure water at sea level freezes at 0° and boils at 100°.

Census is an official count of population and the recording of other demographic data such as age, gender, income, and education.

Cent came from the Latin word 'centesimus,' which means "a hundredth part."

Centimeter (cm) is a metric unit of length equivalent to 10 millimeters 1/10 of a decimeter, and 1/100 of a meter.

Circle is the set of all points in a plane that are equally distant from a fixed point in the plane called the center of the circle.

Circumference is the distance around a circle; its perimeter.

Circumference of a circle is computed as: circumference = 2π x r

Clockwise rotation is the direction in which the hands move on a typical analog clock; a turn to the right.

Common denominator is a nonzero number that is a multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions.

Common factor is a factor of each of two or more counting numbers. For example, 4 is a common factor of 8 and 12.

Common fraction is a fraction in which the numerator and the nonzero denominator are both integers.

Compass is a tool used to draw circles and arcs and copy line segments.

Composite number is a counting number greater than 1 that has more than two factors.

Cone is a geometric solid with a circular base, a vertex (apex) not in the plane of the base, and all of the line segments with one endpoint at the apex and the other endpoint on the circumference of the base.

Confidence level is the probability that the statistician's confidence interval contains the true, unknown population parameter.

Congruent figures (=) is a figure having the same size and shape.

Congruent plane figures or shapes that cover a plane completely without overlapping is tessellation.

Coordinate is a number used to locate a point on a number line; a point's distance from an origin.

Copernicus was a Renaissance-and-Reformation-era Mathematician and astronomer, who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of Universe.

Cosine (CAH): Cosine = adjacent/hypotenuse

Counterclockwise rotation is the opposite of the direction in which the hands move on a typical analog clock; a turn to the left.

Cubic centimeter (cc or cm3) is a metric unit of volume or capacity equal to the volume of a cube with 1-cm edges.

Cubic unit is a unit such as cubic centimeters, cubic inches, cubic feet, and cubic meters used to measure volume or capacity.

Cubit is an ancient unit of length, measured from the point of the elbow to the end of the middle finger.

Data is an information that is gathered by counting, measuring, questioning, or observing. Decimal is a number written in standard base-ten notation containing a decimal point, such as 2.54

Decimal point is a mark used to separate the ones and tenths places in decimals.

Decimeter (dm) is a metric unit of length equivalent to 1/10 meter, or 10 centimeters.

Degree (") is a unit of measure for angles based on dividing a circle into 360 equal parts.

Degree Celsius (°C) is the unit interval on Celsius thermometers and a metric unit for measuring temperatures.

Degree Fahrenheit (°F) is the unit interval on Fahrenheit thermometers and a U.S. customary unit for measuring temperatures.

Density is a rate that compares the mass of an object to its volume.

Denver is known as the mile-high city because it has an elevation of precisely 5,280 feet the length of a mile.

Dependent variable is a variable whose value is dependent on the value of at least one other variable in a function.

Diagonal is a line segment joining two non-consecutive vertices of a polygon.

Diameter is a line segment that passes through the center of a circle or sphere and has endpoints on the circle or sphere.

Diameter is a line that passes through the center of a circle and divides it in half.

Digits are the numerals 0-9 found in all numbers. 176 is a 3-digit number featuring the digits 1, 7, and 6.

Distance Formula: d=√(x1-x2)2+(y1-Y2)2

An equation is a statement that shows the equality of two expressions by joining them with an equals sign.

Equilateral is a term used to describe a shape whose sides are all of equal length.

Factoring is the process of breaking numbers down into all of their factors.

Fibonacci Sequence is a sequence beginning with a 0 and 1 whereby each number is the sum of the two numbers preceding it. "0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34..." is a Fibonacci sequence.

George Dantzig invented a method of determining the optimal values of a linear function subject to certain constraints. This method is known as linear programming.

Girolamo Cardano is a 16th Century Mathematician, who was first to define the probability of an event as the quotient of all favorable outcome over the total number of outcomes.

Googol means 1 followed by 100 zeroes. A googolplex is 1 followed by a googol zeros. Graph Theory is a branch of mathematics focused on the properties of graphs.

If the exchange rate of US dollars to peso is $1=php 47.90, 0.02 is the value of 1 php in American cents.

If the sum of the digits is divisible by three, then the given number will also be divisible by three. This is known as the rule of divisibility of three.

If two apples cost 25 pesos, 8 apples can be purchased for 100 pesos.

If you add up all the numbers between1 to 100 consecutively then the total that you will reach is 5050.

If you multiply a single-digit number by 9 and add all the digits of the product, the sum will always be 9.

If you take any number multiplied by three and sum the digits in the answer, then the answer you receive after adding the digits will always be divisible by three.

In a certain school, the ratio of boys to girls is 5 is to 7. If there are 180 boys and girls in the school, there are 75 boys.

It takes 20 men to build a house for 60 days. 80 men will be needed to build it in 15 days.

Jeff has 2,880 classic rock singles. He began his collection 7 years ago and has doubled the number in his collection years. He collected 90 singles during the 2nd year.

Johann Gauss is a 19th Century Mathematician who added the integers from 1 to 100 within seconds by a flash of mathematical insights.

John can eat a quarter of a pizza in one minute. It takes 6 minutes for John to eat one pizza and a half.

John Napier's greatest contributions includes such groundbreaking texts in invention of dividing roots used as multiplication table.

Leonardo Fibonacci from Pisa, in the 13th century, discovered the Fibonacci sequence.

Line segments join together to form a closed figure. Rectangles, squares, and pentagons are just a few examples of polygons.

Mathematically, an even number is a number that can be divided into two smaller numbers which are actually whole numbers.

Mixed Numbers refer to whole numbers combined with fractions or decimals. Example 31⁄2 or 3.5.

Mrs. Alice's bathroom has to be covered with tiles. The edge of the bathroom needs a rubberized tile. If the tub is 2.3 meters long and 1.8 meters wide, 8.2 meters of rubberized tiles are required.

Numerology is the study of significant numbers and how they impact aspects of one's life, much like astrology.

One quarter (qua) of the plane on the Cartesian coordinate system. The plane is divided into 4 sections, each called a quadrant.

Operation refers to addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

Ordinal numbers give relative position in a set: first, second, third, etc.

Probability = Target outcomes/Total outcomes

Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2 = c2

Pafnuty Chebyshev is a "grand" Russian Mathematician who gave the basis for applying the theory of probability to a statistical data, worked a number of prime numbers not exceeding a given number, and proved Bertrand Conjecture in 1850.

Parabola is an open curve whose points are equidistant from a fixed point called the focus and a fixed straight line called the directrix.

Parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two sets of opposite sides that are parallel.

Pi is used to represent the ratio of a circumference of a circle to its diameter, denoted with the Greek symbol π.

Prime numbers are integers greater than 1 that are only divisible by themselves and 1.

Quadratic Formula: x = -b± √b2-4ac/2a

Radius is the distance found by measuring a line segment extending from the center of a circle to any point on the circle; the line extending from the center of a sphere to any point on the outside edge of the sphere.

Roman numerals only have seven different letters which form the entire number system: I, V, X, L, C, D, and M.

Sine (SOH): Sine = opposite/hypotenuse

Slope Formula: Slope = y2-Y1/ X2-X1

Slope Intercept: y = mx + b

Slope shows the steepness or incline of a line and is determined by comparing the positions of two points on the line (usually on a graph).

Sound intensity which is measured using decibel scale also uses common logarithm. Decibel is name after Alexander Graham Bell.

Tangent (TOA): Tangent = opposite/adjacent

Tangent is a straight line touching a curve from only one point.

The angles of a triangle always add up to 180 degrees.

The area of a rectangle is (x2+2x-8). If its length is x + 4, its width is x-2.

The average of 5 different counting numbers is 20. The highest possible value that one of the numbers can have is 90.

The average of A, B, C is (A+B+C)/3.

The biggest prime number known as M77232917 was discovered in January 2018 by a computer in Tennessee.

The correlation between two variables x and y is a measure of how closely related they are, or how linearly related they are.

The difference is the answer to a subtraction problem, in which one number is taken away from another.

The edges of a rectangular solid have these measures: 1.5 feet by 1% feet by 3 inches.

Its volume in cubic inches is 972.

The idea of zero was invented by an Indian astronomer and mathematician Brahmagupta in around 600 A.D.

The largest number common to each set of factors that divides both numbers exactly is Greatest Common Factor.

The majority of the months have 31 days in a calendar. Only four months have 30 days i.e. April, June, September, and November. February typically only has 28 days, with the exception of leap years.

The mean absolute deviation of the following numbers: 60, 80, 100, 75 and 95 is 12.4.

The multiple of a number is the product of that number any other whole number. 2, 4, 6, and 8 are multiples of 2.

The number 2 is the smallest prime number.

The number of times an event can happen in a given period of time; often used in probability calculations is frequency.

The number that denotes repeated multiplication of a term, shown as a superscript above that term is called exponent.

The numerals we use now are called "Hindu-Arabic" numbers.

The only prime numbers that end with a "2" or "5" are two and five.

The opposite sides of a dice always add up to 7. For example, 6 and 1 will always be on opposite sides which add up to 7.

The power to which a base must be raised to produce a given number is logarithm.

The quote "logarithmic plots are device of the devil" is attributed to Charles Francis Richter who is the most famous as the creator of the magnitude scale, until the development of the moment magnitude scale in 1979, quantified the size of earthquakes.

The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 20°. The measure of one of the base angles is 80°.

The word "hundred" comes from the old Norse term, "hundrath", which actually means 120 and not 100.

The nth root of a number is how many times a number needs to be multiplied by itself to achieve the value specified.

There are 86,400 seconds in a day.

There were two outstanding astronomers who contributed notably to mathematics in the early part of seventeenth century: The German Johann Kepner and the Italian Galileo Galilei.

Three brothers inherited a cash amount of P62,000 and they divided it among themselves in the ratio of 5:4:1. The largest share is P24,800 more than the smallest share.

Trigonometry is the study of the relationship between the angles of triangles and their sides.

Two buses leave the same station at 8:00 PM. One bus travels north at the rate of 30 kph and the other travels east at 40 kph. The buses are 100 km apart at 10 PM.

Two lines or line segments intersecting to form a right angle are perpendicular lines.

Unit is a standard quantity used in measurement. Inches and centimeters are units of length, pounds and kilograms are units of weight, and square meters and acres are units of area.

Vertex is the point of intersection between two or more rays, often called a comer.  A vertex is where two-dimensional sides or three-dimensional edges meet.

When a set of points join together to form a flat surface that extends in all directions, this is called a plane.

Yard is a unit of measure that is equal to approximately 91.5 centimeters or 3 feet.

The Department of Information and Communications Technology is mandated by DICT act or Republic act 10844 of 2015 to be the primary policy, planning, coordinating, implementing, and administrative entity of the Executive Branch of the government that will plan, develop, promote the national ICT development agenda.

The DICT Secretary is Senator Gregorio Ballesteros Honasan II.

Bar graphs illustrate a particular data series through rectangles

A social network services available through the computer is Facebook.

Multimedia is the program application that provides users with a means to organize and present information through the use of text, numbers, graphs, sounds, and visual images.

Software refers to a computer program.

The information highway is called internet.

The spreadsheet in the computer can perform and aid in computation.

The central processing unit is the brain of the computer.

The local area network links the computer to the base computer making it possible to share software materials.

Mainframe computers are type of computers for processing and accessing data at very high speeds.

An organizational tool used to structure the way you save files on your computer is called folder.

Encoding is the process of translating sound card signals from a microphone into codes the computer can use.

Charles Babbage is considered to be the "Father of Computing" because of his contributions to the basic design of computer.

Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Select the application in the task manager window and click End task. This is an appropriate routine to shut down a non-responding application

PowerPoint replaces overhead presentation through the use of computer generated slides.

The unit that transforms data into information is the CPU.

My computer desktop icon can be used to access the files and programs in the computer.

Modem enables the computer to communicate with other computers over the telephone.

Computer worm is a malware program that repeatedly copies itself and is very similar to a computer virus.

Massive Open Online Courses are considered massive because they can accommodate a big number of learners.

The father of Computer Science is Alan Mathison Turing.

In the delivery of distance education, the computer-assisted instruction application is used to organize instructions and track students' records and progress.

The important practice to scan a computer's drive for virus prevention is immediately after installing software from a disk created by a friend.

Like the typewriter, the computer has a keyboard.

Command refers to a single phrase or word that tells the computer to do something with a program or file.

A password is a secret word that must be entered into the computer before a person is allowed to have an access to a certain information.

Random Access Memory (RAM) is a temporary memory; Read-Only Memory (ROM) is a permanent memory.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) was first created by Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Cailliau.

Ajay Bhatt invented the Universal Serial Bus.

The Basic Input and Output System that controls the computer tells us about the operations to be performed on the System. The Instructions are embedded on a chip connected to the Motherboard.

Byte is known as the Storage unit of data

CPU is the Brain of a Computer. It is also known as the Central Processing Unit of the Computer.

MAC is the common abbreviation used for a type of personal Computer Macintosh made by the Apple Computer Company.

OS is the Operating System of the Computer. It is the main program that runs on the Computer and begins automatically when the Computer is turned on.

The Personal Computer is given the common abbreviation named PC. All the Computers are IBM Compatible

When the File is to be stored in the Portable Document Format, the term PDF is used.

The Space that can be accessed only one time is known as Random Access Memory.

The Working Speed of the Computer System depends on the RAM.

The Instructions for the Computer is the ROM or Read Only Memory. ROM is a non- volatile and cannot be altered

The System that is used for displaying the graphics is known as Video Graphics Array or VGA. It was developed by IBM.

File Transport Protocol is also known as FTP that moves a file between computers using the Internet Service.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP is the set of instructions for the software that is used to control the movements of Files on the Internet.

The IP also known as Internet Protocol is the method of exchanging the data or information between the set of Computers on the Single Network or the series of the Interconnected Network.

Internet Service Provider or ISP is the Organization that provides the Internet Service to connect the device to the Internet Services.

The Local Area Network or LAN is the group of Computer and Devices Services provided in the geographical region of an individual.

GIF is a graphics image format widely used on the Internet. The images are in bitmap image format and are compressed for easy downloading when accessing web pages.

GPS is a navigation system used to determine a current location. A GPS system is satellite-based and comprised of a satellite network located in orbit powered by a radio signals

JPEG is a digital image format commonly used in digital photography. The JPEG format is a loose compression format and is the most commonly used format for transmitting images over the Internet.

MBPS (Megabits per Second) refers to the speed of data being transferred over a network and is measured in megabits. One megabit represents over one million bits which means the data transfer rate is one million bits per second.

SMS (Short Message Service) is a method used to transmit short messages over the Internet or via a mobile communication system.