MAPEH LET REVIEWER (September 2018)

LET REVIEWER (September 2018)
1.    Which modern dance is a smooth, elegant, and progressive dance characterized by long, continuous flowing movements across the dance floor?
A. Foxtrot
B. Waltz
C. Tango
D. Salsa

2.    What is the most popular recreational style and thought to be the oldest of all swimming strokes?
A.      Back Stroke
B.      Breast Stroke
C.      Side Stroke
D.     Butterfly Stroke

3.    She is the country's pioneer researcher on traditional Philippine folk dances and music and also known as "Mother of Philippine Dancing".
A. Francisca Reyes Aquino
B. Ramon Obusan
C. Felix Hoerburger
D. Lucrecia Urtula

4.    It is the major genre of comic opera in the 18th and early 19th centuries originated in Naples.
A.      Classical Opera
B.      Opera Ballet
C.      Opera Buffa
D.     Opera Seria

5.    It is a key for good vision, a healthy immune system, and cell growth and also known as Retinoid.
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D

6.    A gymnastic movement in which, starting from a supine position, the torso and legs are raised vertically over the head and supported on the shoulders and arms.
A. Head Stand
B. Shoulder Stand
C. Arm Stand
D. Hand Stand

7.    An inverted gymnastics control skill performed by supporting the body on both hands, with the arms straight and the body vertical.
A. Head Stand
B. Shoulder Stand
C. Arm Stand
D. Hand Stand

8.    It is a body position, in which the back is curved backwards, the chest is open and the body takes on a convex shape.
A. Arch Back
B. Eagle Jump
C. Split
D. Tumbling

9.    It is an acrobatic sporting discipline which combines some of the skills of artistic gymnastics on the floor with those of trampolining.
A. Split
B. Tumbling
C. Stunts
D. Roll Out

10.  Dance term in which both arms at sides and bent at the elbows so that the forearms are parallel to the head, palms facing inwards.
A. Reverse T-Position
B. T-Position
C. Lateral Position
D. Crossed Arms

11.  It is an activities that serve as conditioning exercises and can be also be introductions to some gymnastics skills and tumbling skills.
A. Split
B. Tumbling
C. Stunts
D. Roll Out

12.  It demands advanced water skills, and requires great strength, endurance, flexibility, grace, artistry and precise timing, as well as exceptional breath control when upside down underwater.
A.      Competitive Swimming
B.      Stunt Swimming
C.      Trick Swimming
D.     Synchronize Swimming

13.  Which of the following is played from in front of the body so it has a shorter distance to travel, which means it gets to the opponent quicker giving them less thinking time?
A. Forehand
B. Backhand
C. Drop
D. Drive

14.  In table tennis, the stroke that starts from nearly shoulder height, hitting the forward and downward flight of the ball is called?
A. Forehand
B. Backhand
C. Drop
D. Drive

15.  What is the physical position in which the legs are in line with each other and extended in opposite directions?
A. Split
B. Tumbling
C. Stunts
D. Roll Out

16.  It was originally used to describe the timing of music, or the speed at which a piece of music is played.
A. Duration
B. Melody
C. Dynamics
D. Tempo

17.  Which of the following elements of art refers to the visible lightness or darkness of a color?
A. Value
B. Form
C. Color
D. Texture

18.  When we gain an understanding of how we view sport and physical in contemporary culture by studying the culture that have significantly affected the development of Western civilization, we use____.
A. Epistemology
B. Ontology
C. Axiology
D. Aesthetics

19.  When we assess dance performance in terms of graceful and expressive movements, we use ____.
A. Epistemology
B. Ontology
C. Axiology
D. Aesthetics

20.  When Physical Education teachers want to examine the how and want to know everything about Physical Education, they use _____.
A. Epistemology
B. Ontology
C. Axiology
D. Aesthetics

21.  Which of these systems is used to resolve a tie between two teams?
A. Point System
B. Quotient System
C. Win-Lose System
D. Win-Over-The-Other System

22.  Why is the English Channel the top open water swim and such a hard swim?
A. Shark Prone Area
B. Very Cold Water
C. Strong Current
D. High Tide

23.  What is the longest and strongest bone in the body?
A. Tibia
B. Femur
C. Fibula
D. Radius

24.  The Olympic Games are considered to be the world's foremost sports competition with more than 200 nations participating. How often do the Olympics happen?
A.    Every 2 years
B.    Every 4 years
C.    Every 6 years
D.    Every 8 years

25.  What is the purpose of wearing swim suit in swimming competition?
A.     For Aesthetic Beauty
B.      For Fair Game
C.      For Easy Swim
D.     For Good Body Temperature

26.  In Track and Field event, who is the final runner in the Relay Race?
A.      Sprinter
B.      Marathoner
C.      Runner
D.     Anchor Leg

27.  He is a classical composer in which his music ranges from the happily energetic to the breathtakingly tragic.
A.      Beethoven
B.      Mozart
C.      Brahms
D.     Tchaikovsky

28.  It is a linear succession of musical tones that the listener perceives as a single entity.
A.      Tempo
B.      Dynamics
C.      Rhythm
D.     Melody

29.  What was the original type of basket used for basketball?
A.     Peach Basket
B.      Trash Basket
C.      Fish Basket
D.     Sewing Basket

30.  What running form differentiates a long distance runner from sprinter?
A.      Long distance runner carries the arm higher
B.      Long distance runner takes longer stride
C.      Long distance runner leans forward more
D.     Long distance runner lands with the heel of the foot