Filipino [General Education]

The Legend

v a kind of literature that tells a story about the origins of the things in the world.


v story of magical happenings that translated into the mouths of people so no one owns or can say

There is an author of this.


v just a fairytale that's just a myth involved in wonder or not typical event that took place


Once upon a time.


v basically dealing with the cultures of indigenous people, customs or environment.


v tackling the traits too beautiful, like being honest, brave, helpful, and with qualities not as good as being generous

Giant, greedy, or sworn.

v learning for the better of others.

v having different versions accordingly also in the wish of those who wrote and asked

Other versions of the legend are prevalent.


Elements of Legend:

Personnel - story seekers and what role is played by everyone.

Meeting - This describes the area field of actions and incidents, also the time when this happened.

A moment of enthusiasm - is unfolding short time staff meeting Will be involved in the problem.

Medium - the part that promises to business or adventure of main character vs the ones Difficult to face that sometimes is in self, to others, or to nature.

Equation - the oldest part if where can I get a basic Personality is the fulfillment or misfortune of his Fighting for it.

Bad luck - the part showing slowly - slow down story flow from intense event at the extreme.

Final - part to unfold the future story resolution. May be happy o sad, lose or win.

Parts of the Legend

Start - describing the staff at Story. Who all are going on at story and what is the role they play being played. Be the meeting or place and the time of the incident was also described in the beginning.

Middle - Middle included for a while enthusiasm, mediocrity and perfection of Story. A little bit of excitement is unfolding a short term encounter of Personals. The middle one is promising of an adventure or an adventure of a person. While the essence is the part that says if you succeed or not the person.

Finally - Including at last misfortune and end of story.


The Story of the Town

¨     fictional stories or narrative that those who represent are the behavior and types of citizens In a society.

¨     made up by writers to their ancient lives can be expressed and to be the guide of people to Current life.

¨     They can make it a base especially the proper behaviors and lessons already wants to give a story.



These examples of the town story are as follows:

Mito - from the mythology word hango in the Greek word that love is mythos say a speech. But in the long run, this means phobia or legend.

       Myth defines the stories Once upon a time when it was relevant in faith, ritual or faith of the people.

       Mito is also revealing history about gods and goddesses with

The power that mortals don't have.

Legend - a kind of literature that tells a story about the origins of things -

Suitable for the world.

Bubble - is a kind of myth literature where the animals are or can lifeless things are going on that people, like lion and rat, turtle and matting, wolf and goat, and rabbit and lion.

       There's a unique thought to smell from the bubbles, for they give of moral lessons for children A reader.

       It's also called a fairy tale Teaching.


Parable - is a short story with a lesson that is limited to the Bible.

       The parable came from English word that is already parable came from Greek word parabole already means is a short essay about life which can happen or is already happening if where teaching about spiritual o beauty behavior that will be the guide of someone who is facing a need make a choice or make a decision.

Short story of town

       The examples above are prevailing and translated into different generations also by telling the story of the

The old ones among the young ones.

       This is a country literature form from To the native literature. There is now The ancestors before were a town story

before we were conquered by the Spanish and other foreign invaders.

The town story is a literature already Related to attitude, tradition, people's life in one place, region or land. This has contributed a lot to preservation of culture, tradition literature

And the race of the Filipinos.

       Because of the town story it is still sustainable

also the usual traditions and life of people in the first place Time.

The Town Tales

Ø are songs of Filipino ancestors and until now it's being sung or sung still.

Ø Example of these songs is Leron, Leron Sinta, Filipina Girl, Cottage House, Ours is the ring, Manang Biday and Butterfly Farm.

Ø Remains the topic of country songs the indigenous culture.

Ø Country songs pressured about in human feelings, illustration and dealing with the environment, importance of creation, beauty of life, faith hope love happiness sadness, and exposure of different Attitude and behavior.


Types of Country Song:

¨     Kundiman - is the song of love.

¨     Talindaw - is the fishing song.

¨     Oyayi o Hele o Duayya - is the song to Putting the child to sleep.

¨     Diona - are wedding songs.

¨     Soliranin or Soliranin - is the song of chasing while boating or to the workers.

¨     Dalit or Imno or Hymn - is the song to idol of the Visayan people Oyayo or so Again in worship.

¨     Dung-aw - is the song of the dead o

Mourning of the Ilocano people.

¨     Rawitdawit - is the song of the drunks.

¨     Sambotani - is the song of victory.

¨     Salty - is the song in collective making

¨     Stinky - is the beach song.

¨     Honesty - is the ruling of Tagalog.

¨     Balitaw - is the trial in Bisaya

¨     Whispers - is the song of the day

The dead of the Tagalog people.


The Epic

·        Epic or Epic in English language is type of literature found in different - a different ethnic group.


·        This is tackling the heroics and a fight with someone o man vs enemies who almost don't It's believable because there are meetings It's amazing.


·        This was a hero story in the first place time that is full of people What a wonderful event.


·        The main characters here are possesses a trait that surpasses average person and usually he is carried in the tribe of gods or goddesses.


·        Epic comes from the Greek word ' epo s' the meaning is ' song '. The these are in the form of a verse or paragraph but it's different and exceptional to every region and incomparable to Western epics.

Characteristics of Epic:

·        Use of labels in recognition of a certain person

·        Repeated words or phrases

·        Typical division or division in song series

·        Abundance of images and metaphor available in daily life and nature (plants, animals, things in Heaven, etc. )

·        Always turn around the hero, including

His encounters with the mysterious creature, earring, and his looking for his love o parents; this may also be about courtship or marriage.



Example of Epic:

Epic of Luzon

Biag ni Lam-ang (Ilocos)

Hudhud: Story of Aliguyon (Ifugao)

Throw (Bicol)

Horse (Palawan)

Manimimbin (Palawan)

Deep (Care)


Epic of Visayas


Grilled (Full)

Catch Up (Always)

More Donggon (Bisayas)

Maragtas (Visayas)


Epic of Mindanao


Darangan (Maranao)

Indarapatra and Sulayman (Maguindanao)



Olaging (Bukidnon)

On Sunday (Zamboanga)


Very happy

the joke of the day


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