Test your mastery of the competencies. Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.            

  1. Which statement is TRUE of the pre-Spanish Filipino government?

A. The datu exercised all power of government.
B.  Laws were formulated by a law making body elected by the datu.
C.  Laws were formulated by a law making body elected by the community.
D. There was a court created by the datu to hear complaints.

2. What characteristic/s of government is establish by the 1987 Constitution ?
  1. Presidential system of government with three branches
  2. Parliamentary system of government
  3. The three branches of government are separate and independent of one another
  4. The three branches of government have a check and balance over one another
A.   I only
B.   II only
C.   II, III and IV
D.   I, III , and IV

  1. If our present government is a democracy, where does power reside?

A.   In the Filipino People
B.   In Congress
C.   In the President
D.   In the Supreme Court

4. In President Quezon’s time, the country had the Philippine Commonwealth. What is TRUE about Philippine Commonwealth?
The Filipino people ________.

A.   Were fully independent
B.   Were partially independent
C. Were granted total freedom to course
their destiny only in matters of
D.   Were citizens of the United States

5. In the decade of the 70’s , one clamor of the activists who staged street demonstration on the streets was “Down with the oligarchs!”
What did they accuse government of as suggested by the underlined word?
Government was _________________.

A.   A rule of the few rich
B.   A form of dictatorship
C.   Anti-poor
D.   Elitist

6. With the BatasangPambansa performing legislative and executive powers in the Marcos regime, which form of government was implemented?

A.   Parliamentary
B.   Dictatorial
C.   Monarchial
D.   Presidential

7. What form of government is characterized by the separation of powers?

A.   Parliamentary
B.   Presidential
C.   Aristocracy
D.   Monarchical

8. To which type of political system do we belong?

A.   Colonialism
B.   Totalitarianism
C.    Democracy
D.    Capitalism

9. In which form of government does power or authority reside in a few persons who govern for their interest?

A.   Oligarchy
B.   Monarchy
C.   Democracy
D.   Parliamentary
10. Which of the following represents the smallest sub-unit of government in the Philippines at present?
A.   Purok
B.   Barangay
C.   Sitio
D.   Zone

11. The Philippine government is divided into three branches : executive , legislative and judiciary. Which among the following doctrines best describes the model of governance in the Philippines?

A.   Tricameralism
B.   Separation of powers
C.   Emancipation of state
D.   Division of labor

12. The Philippine legislature is divided into two major bodies, the Senate and the House of Representative. Which among the following best describes the division of the legislative body of the country?

A.   Bipartisanism
B.   Co-Legislative power
C.   Unicameralism
D.   Bicameralism

  1. Which type of governance is characterized by a union of partially self- governing states or region united by a central government ?

A.   Federalism
B.   Socialism
C.   Democracy
D.   Totalitariansm

14. In England, Queen Elizabeth acts as head of state. This country also has a parliament and a Prime Minister. Which among the following best describes the form of government in this country ?

A.   Absolute Monarchy
B.   Constitutional Monarchy
C.   Oligarchy
D.   Aristocracy
15. In Which form of  government  are all citizen treated as equals on certain dimensions such as religion , politics, economics, social status and culture?

A.   Totalitarianism
B.   Democracy
C.   Socialism
D.   Egalitarianism

16. What human right is violated when one opens a letter without permission from the addressee?

A.  Right to privacy of communication
and correspondence
B.   Right to read the letter
C.   Right to open the envelope without
D.   Right to private affairs

17. When an individual is imprisoned without proper investigation what right is violated?

A.   Right to due process of law
B.   Right to secure persons
C.   Right to process paper
D.   Right to protection

18. What law was passed by Philippine Congress in 1995 which affirms the total integration of persons with disabilities into the mainstream of society?

A.   Republic Act No. 7277
B.   Republic Act No. 7784
C.   Republic Act No. 7722
D.   Republic Act No. 7776

19. Which is the best definition of inclusive education endorsed by DepEd?

A.   It is flexible and individualized
support system for children and youth with special education needs.
B.   It is a mandate to include all children
and youth in community activities.
C.  It is a system to support children and
youth in exclusive schools.
D.   It is a special support for children and
youth who cannot attend school.

Read the text below then answer item #20
Inclusion is a basic right of every Filipino child with special needs to education, rehabilitation, support services, work training and employment opportunities, community participation and independent living .

  1. To prepare teachers to handle inclusive education what specialization is offered in teacher education institutions?

A.   Special Education
B.   Special Course
C.   Kindergarten Courses
D.   Pre School Education

Read the text below then answer items 21- 22 .

Article XIV Section of the 1987 Philippine Constitution mandates that the  “State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such educations accessible to all.”

21. Which of the goals of EFA 2015 aims to achieve the above mentioned constitutional mandate?
A. Universal completion of full cycle of
basic education schooling with satisfactory achievement levels by all at every grade or year.
B. Universal completion of primary
education with satisfactory achievement levels at every grade level.
C. Universal completion of secondary
education with satisfactory achievement levels at every year level.
D. Universal elimination of drop outs and
repetition by all at every grade or year including satisfactory achievement levels.
22. What is the best indicator of “quality education”  as invoked in the Constitution?

A.  Generation of reliable measurements
on dropout rate
B.  Generation of reliable measurements
on cohort Survival rate
C.  Generation of reliable measurements
of education outcomes
D.  Generation of reliable measurements
on participation rate

23. An individual has the right to file writ of amparo before the investigation of an administrative case filed against him/her. What fundamental right is invoked by the individual?

A.   Right to life , liberty and security
B.   Right to due process
C. Right to be defended by a public
D.   Right to self defense

24. What is the writ of habeas data?

A.   Right to information privacy
B.   Right to accumulate data
C.   Right to transmit data
D.   Right to search for private information

25. The Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers Provides that a“ Teacher has the right and duty to determine the academic marks and the promotion of learners. What is the obligation of the teacher in relation to the aforementioned right as mandated in the Education Act of 1982?

A.     Refrain from making deductions in
students’ scholastics ratings for acts not of poor scholarship.
B.      Refrain from discriminating high and
low achievers in the classes he/she handles.
C.     Refrain from inflecting corporal 
punishment and make it a basic for deductions in scholastic ratings
D.   Refrain from segrating the fast and slow learners for convenience in rating them.

26. When a teacher is charged with an administrative case committed in the lawful discharge of professional duties, what right may the teacher invoke for her defense?

A.      Right to receive compensation in the
duration of the case
B.      Right to be given the due process of
C.     Right to be defended by the
organization of teachers to which he/she is a member
D.     Right to be provided with free legal
service by the appropriate office

27. What is the teacher’s accountability in the achievement of quality education?

A.      Be accountable for the grading
performance of learners
B.     Be accountable for the effective
attainment of specified learning objectives and outcomes
C.     Be accountable for reporting the
performance of learners to parents
D.     Be accountable for reporting the
performance to the school head and stakeholders.

28. Which is the overriding aim of the constitutional mandate on social justice?

A.      To bridge the gap between the rich
and the poor
B.       To protect the squatter in the
possession of the premises occupied by him because he is poor
C.      To authorize the taking of what is in
excess of one’s personal needs and the giving it to another
D.   To work for social equality

29. Which principle states that no man in this country is above the law and that law must be obeyed by all and applied to everyone- rich or poor, lowly or powerful- without fear or favor?

A.   Rule of law
B.   Rule of the majority
C.   Separation of Church and state
D.   Social justice

30. In connection with government transactions involving public interest, which policy is adopted in the Constitution to assure the public of accountability and transparency?

A.   Full public disclosure
B.   Balanced and healthful ecology
C.   Private enterprise and incentives to
needed investments
D.  Rural development and agrarian reform

31. Filipino citizens have the power to participate in the establishment or administration of government such as right to vote and be voted upon as an exercise of _____________.

A.   Political rights
B.   Civil rights
C.   Social rights
D.   Economic rights

32. Can the accused waive his right to remain silent and to have competent and independent counsel?

A.     No, except in writing and in the
presence of counsel
B.      Yes, if there is no counsel offering his
C.   No, it cannot be waived
D.   Yes, if he voluntary does so.

33. Which is right violated by wiretapping?

A.   Freedom of expression
B.   The right of private property
C.   The right of privacy of
D.   The right to information on matters of
public concerns
34. Which act is a deprivation of life without due process?
A.   Killing in self-defense
B.   Salvaging
C.   Imposition of the death penalty
D.   Death resulting from illness

35. Is land grabbing an act of deprivation of property without due process?
A.   Yes
B.   No
C.   Yes, if the land grabber is rich
D.   No, if the land grabber is landless

36. Can you be arrested without warrant of arrest?
A.   No, if you are a minor
B.   No, if you are more than 60 years old
C. Yes, if you were reported to have
committed a crime
D.      Yes, if you are in the act of
committing a crime

37. Can religious instruction be taught in public school?
  1. Yes, if given free.
  2. Yes, if given outside class hours.
  3. Yes, only to those children whose parents give their consent in writing.

A.   I and III
B.   II and III
C.   I , II , and III
D.   III only

38. Can an accused avail of free legal assistance?
A.   No, there is no such thing as free
B.     Yes, provided he is classified as
poor litigant by the court.
C.     Yes , of the act committed is a minor
D.    No, if the offense is grave.

39. My right is another man’s duty. Which one CORRECTLY illustrates this?

A.     My right to my private property
requires my neighbor’s duty not to trespass the same.
B.      I have freedom of speech but I see to
it that I speak only what is true.
C.   Suffrage is both a right and a duty.
D.   I exercise my right in such a way that it does not violate another person’s right.

  1. Every right has a built in duty. Which of the following illustrates this CORRECTLY?

A.      I have the right to vote, and it is the
duty of the COMELEC to allow me to vote.
B.      My right to privacy requires my
neighbor to respect it.
       C. I have the right to sell you my cellphone
but it is your duty to pay for it.
       D. I have the right to drive my car but I
must see it to that I obey traffic rules.

41.   Can a person be imprisoned for debt?

A.      No, if he can’t he pay the interest of his
B.      Yes, if he has no property with which to
pay his debt.
C.  No
D.  Yes, if he stubbornly refuses to pay.

42. What does “presumption of innocence’’ mean in so far as human rights is concerned ?
A.  A suspect is considered guilty  until
proven otherwise
B.   A suspect has the right remain silent
C. A suspect has the right to a legal
       D.A suspect remains innocent until
proven guilty

43. No person may be elected as President of the Philippines unless he/she is a _________.
A.   Natural born citizen
B.   Resident of the Philippines for at least
2 years
C.   At least 21 years old.
D.   Professional

44. Who does the canvassing of votes for President and Vice President in every election?
A.   Comelec and Chief Justice
B.   Senate and Congress
C.   Supreme Court and Congress
D.   Joint Committee of Congress

45.   All appropriations, revenue or tariff bills shall originate exclusively from the __________.
A.   Senate
B.   SangguniangPanlalawigan
C.   House of Representatives
D.   Department of Budget

46.   Which department has the authority to make laws and to alter them when needed?
A.   Executive
B.   Legislative
C.   Judicial
D.   Administrative

47. A bill becomes a law even if not signed by the President after ______ days.
A.   60
B.   40
C.   20
D.   30

48. Which refers to the act of the President to stay the execution of a convict?
A.   Commutation
B.   Amnesty
C.   Pardon
D.   Reprieve

49.   Who has the power to declare the existence of a state of war?
A.   Chief Justice
B.   President
C.   Senate President
D.   Congress

50. A losing senatorial candidate my file a protest against the winner. What body will assume jurisdiction over the case?
A.   Supreme Court
B.   Electoral Tribunal
D.    Regional Trial Court

50.   How is the crime of rape classified?
A.   Heinous
B.   Homicide
C.   Slander
D.   Malicious Mischief

52. All Filipino citizens have the right to vote and to be voted upon as a government official. What is this constitutional right called?
A.   Passive right to vote
B.   Political Franchise
C.   Suffrage
D.   Electoral right

53. Any individual has the right to question why he is being arrested, and to summon his accusers to court so that due process may be performed. This right is embodied in which of the following?
A.   Reclusion perpetua
B.   Res ipsa loquitur
C.   Prison mayor
D.   Habeas corpus

54. Which among the following represents the political process involved in amending or revising the Philippine Constitution to adapt to the present Philippine situation?
A.   Constitutional Convention
B.   Citizen’s assembly
C.   Charter change
D.   Constitutional correction

2. 1 Trace the history of the Philippines from pre-colonial to contemporary periods.
2.2   Draw the implications of the historical evolution of the Philippines to its present socio-political condition.

55. Which is TRUE of the historical development of the Philippines ?
A.  Its has never been an independent nation.
B.   It has been an independent nation ever since.
C.  It has evolved from a colony to a fully independent nation.
D.   It has not achieved full independence from the very beginning.

56. Which problem is common from the presidency of Marcos, Aquino, Ramon, Estrada, Macapagal-Arroyo and Benigno Aquino III?
A.   Social injustice
B.   Peace and security
C.   Poor governance
D.   Moral degeneration

57. Basically, the Philippine agrarian problem is a question of ____________.
A.   Land distribution
B.   Nepotism and corruption
C.   Graft and corruption
D.   Environmental degradation

58.Every elected President of the Philippines delivers SONA. What does SONA mean ?
A.   Speech of the Nation Assembly
B.   Speech of the Nation Address
C.   State of the Nation Address
D.   State of the Nation Advocacy

59. Rizal founded the La Liga Filipina to ___________.
            I.   Unite the whole country
            II.   Fight the violence and injustice
            III.  Revolt against the Spaniards

A.   I and III
B.   II only
C.   I and II
D.   II and III

60. Which is TRUE of the Philippines ?
A.  It was colonized by Spanish , Portugal, America and Japan.
B. It has been part of the world’s economy since the Spanish colonial rule.
C.  It is one of the least populated countries of the world.
D.  It has two autonomous region – ARMM and CAR.

61. Which is TRUE of the Philippines?
A. It was colonized by two European
colonial powers.
B.   It has never been united as nation.
C.   There have been attempts to change
its government to a parliamentary form.
D.   It is the only Christian country in Asia.

  1. As a result of EDSA I, the Philippines _________.
A.     became known worldwide for its
People Power Revolution
B.      changed its form of government to
C.     saw the impeachment of Joseph
Estrada as President
D.     intensified its participation in
international affairs.

63. Which is TRUE of former –president Corazon Aquino?
            I.  The first female president of the
            II. The first female president in Asia.
            III. Describe as the “ Icon of democracy “
A.   I, II and III
B.   I and II
C.   I and III
D.   I only

64. A year ago “Cha-Cha” and “con ass” were popular words in the Philippines. With which were the words “Cha-Cha” and “con ass” associated ?
A. Imposition of Martial law
B. Return to Dictatorial form of government
C. Amendment of the Present
E.      Division between Senate and House of

65. The Philippine revolts against Spanish, the Philippine–American War, the Muslim rebellion, the NPA, the MILF, and Abu Sayyaf movement point to the reality of ____ in the Philippines.
A.   Multi-ethnicity
B.   Poverty
C.   Poor quality of education
D.   Insurgency

66. Which of the following was the first to happen?
A.   Aguinaldo was captured
B.   Aguinaldo declare Philippine
C.   Guerilla warfare a us was initiated.
D.   The Philippines was ceded to the US
by the Treaty of Paris.

67. With whom is the “Strong Republic” associated?
A.    Fidel V. Ramos
B.    Joseph Estrada
C.    Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
D.    Corazon Aquino

68. Which of the four pillars of education for the 21st Century in the light of conflicts between Israel and Palestine ?
A.    Learning to do
B.    Learning to be
C.    Learning to live together
D.    Learning to Know

69. Who is the general who said , “I shall return !”? A Monument in his honor stands in Corregidor by the Bay.
A.    Wiliam H. Taft
B.    Douglas McArthur
C.    John Dewey
D.    Schurmann

70. In 1565 Legaspi concluded a blood compact with the chief of Bohol. Who is referred to?
A.    Raja Sulayman
B.    Sikatuna
C.    Lakandula
D.    Rajah Tupas

71. The Japanese successful invasion was climaxed by the surrender of the joint Filipino American forces on May 6, 1942. Where did this happen?
A.    Bataan
B.    Corregidor
C.    Capas
D.    Manila

72. The Philippines objected to the advisory on travels to Mindanao by the Australian Government. What should government do?

A.   Declare war against the country
B.   File diplomatic protest
C.   Recall all nationals
D.   Arrest their nationals

73. Foreign investors are discouraged in doing business in our country. To what condition/s can this be attributed?
  1. Deteriorating peace and order
  2. Poor technology
  3. High tariffs
  4. Poor standards
A.    I and II
B.    I, II and III
C.    II only
D.    IV only

74. Who is the President who is known for his “Filipino First Policy” and Austerity Program?
A.    DiosdadoMacapagal
B.    Carlos P. Garcia
C.    Manuel Roxas
D.    Ramon Magsaysay

75. Pre–Colonial Trade in Philippines was prosperous. What system did they use for their business transactions?
A.    Money
B.    Barter
C.    Credit
D.    Banking

76. After Negritos, what was the second group of people who migrated by sea to the Philippines?
A.    Indonesians
B.    Arabs
C.    Indians
D.    Malays

77. Foreign influences are evident on most aspects of Filipino culture including Philippine Languages. Form which Asian language do these words come :alam, hukom, salamat?
A.     Malayo-Polynesian
B.     Sanskrit
C.    Arabic
D.     Mandarin

78. What is considered the earliest form of writing in the Philippines ?
A.     Abakada
B.     Roman Alphabet
C.     Alibata
D.     Balitaw

79. Who was the American president who proclaimed the Benevolent Assimilation policy during the American colonial years of the Philippines ?
A.     William Mckinley
B.     Franklin Roosevelt
C.     Woodrow Wilson
D.     Theodore Roosevelt

80. Who first introduced the Islamic Religion to the Philippines ?
A. Rajah Baguinda
B. Idi Amin
C. Mukdum
D. Abu Bakr

81. The following were aong the five ships involved in Ferdinand Magellan’s voyage EXCEPT _______________.
      A.    Concepcion
      B.    Cartagena
      C.     Trinidad
      D.     Victoria

82. Who was among the last generals who fought the Americans and established the so-called “Tagalog Republic”?
      A. Gregorio delPilar
      B.     Miguel Malvar
      C. MacarioSakay
      D.     Manuel Tinio

83. In Philippine History, who was known “The Great Dissenter”?
      A.     CamiloOsias
      B.     Manuel Roxas
      C.     Claro M. Recto
      D.     Eulogio Rodriguez

84. During the Spanish Era, who was the revolutionary leader who waged a long war against the government because it did not allow proper burial for his brother?

      A.     MacarioSakay
      B.     Andres Bonifacio
      C.     Diego Silang
      D.     Francisco Dagohoy

85. The late president Ferdinand Marcos place the Philippines under Martial Law through which of the following laws?
  1. Article 6 Section 14 of the 1973 Constitution
  2. R.A 274
  3. Proclamation 1081
  4. KautusangTagapagpaganapBlg. 25 S.1974

86. What building was the only one left intact after the destruction of Intramuros during the Battle of Manila?           
  1. Manila Post Office
  2. San Agustin Church
  3. Manila Cathedral
  4. Quiapo Church

87. What was the first book published in the Philippines?
  1. Del Superior Goveirno
  2. Doctrina Christiana
  3. PasiongMahal
  4. BarlaameJosaphat

88. The world of nation is suffering from recession and so nations are experiencing the following EXCEPT____________.
  1. people are losing their jobs
  2. businesses are raking bigger profits
  3. there is a drop total spending
  4. Production is slowing down

89. When one company controls the supply of sugar, which term applies?
  1. Monopoly
  2. Inflation
  3. Economic stability
  4. Equilibrium

90. Tomatoes are off season and so price for tomatoes is up. Which law/ principle in Economics explain it?
  1. Substitution effect
  2. Law of cause and effect
  3. Principle of marginal utility
  4. Law of supply and demand

91. Which explains GNP?
  1. The total value in pesos of goods and services produced during the year
  2. The total value in pesos of goods produced during the year
  3. The total value in pesos of the services produced during the year
  4. The total value in pesos of goods and services produced for 2 quarters

92. How can the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program bring about social equity economic prosperity in the country?
                   I.            By distributing the agricultural lands to landless farmers free of charge
                 II.            By transferring the ownership of land to farmers for a value
               III.            By helping the affected landowners land compensation in viable business activities
               IV.            By providing support services to farmer-beneficiaries

  1. II, III, and IV
  2. I, II and IV
  3. I, II, and III
  4. I, III and IV

93. While in the capitalist system, “to the strongest goes the spoil”, what happens in the cooperative system.
  1. All benefits are shared to the member’s proportion to the shared capital.
  2. Goods are distributed among the members but benefiting mostly the policy-making body.
  3. Goods are distributed among the members.
  4. Goods are distributed among the members but elected and appointed officials get more to compensate their service.
94. The comprehensive Agrarian reform and cooperatives are meant to ___________.
  1. eradicate poverty in the country
  2. bridge the gap between the rich and the poor
  3. to make all citizens equal
  4. to improve on the country’s literacy rate
95. When parents decide to send their children to private school and pay their tuition fee instead of sending them to the public school, they don’t get their share in the benefit derived from the taxes they pay. This is a case of __________.
  1. social injustice
  2. double jeopardy
  3. double taxation
  4. social inequity

96. Which one CORRECTLY applies to Philippine foreign trade?
  1. Philippine expenditure exports and earning from imports fluctuate.
  2. The Philippines spends less on imports than it earns from exports.
  3. The Philippine expenditure on imports is balanced with its earnings from exports.
  4. The Philippines spends more on imports than it earns from exports.

97. The ultimate objective of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform is to ____________.
  1. ensure the cultivation of all idle lands
  2. abolish share tenancy in favour of lease tenancy
  3. distribute arable lands to landless
  4. established owner-cultivated farms

98. What is true of progressive system of taxation?
  1. The rate of tax increases as the income tax base or income bracket increases.
  2. The tax is equal regardless of class and place
  3. The rate of tax decreases as the income tax base increases.
  4. The rate of tax increases as the income tax base decreases.

99. I rent out for P 10,000 per month my only building and lot to the Jesus is Lord Group uses it exclusively for religious purposes. I am exempt from payments of ________.
  1. property tax
  2. professional tax
  3. income tax
  4. community tax

100. You are member of a cooperative which operates taxis tricycles and buses. Of which type of a cooperative are you a member?
  1. Service cooperative
  2. Multipurpose cooperative
  3. Marketing cooperative
  4. Producers cooperative

101. You have a property worth P 500, 000. The tax is 1% he pays P5000. If his property is worth P 1, 000,000 he pays P 10, 000. Which does this illustrate?
  1. Progressive taxation
  2. Uniformity in taxation
  3. Equity in taxation
  4. Equality in taxation

102. Which is an unlawful act of escaping from payment of taxes?
  1. Evasion
  2. Avoidance
  3. Exemption
  4. Shifting

103. Which is required of cooperative members for the operation of their cooperative?
  1. Share capital
  2. Interest on share capital
  3. Net surplus
  4. Patronage refund
104. The primary purpose of taxation is to _____.
  1. raise revenue for the support of government
  2. reduce inequalities in wealth and incomes
  3. fortify the government against invaders
  4. make the country a leading industrialized country in the world

105. Which is/are essential for the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program to truly succeed?
  1. Granting the beneficiaries the right to sell the piece of land awarded to them
  2. Change of heart of the landlords and lawmakers
  3. Education of the beneficiaries
  1. II and III
  2. I, II and III
  3. II only
  4. III only

106. Which is/ are TRUE of cooperatives and the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform?
  1. Intended to eliminate poverty in Philippine society
  2. Meant to alleviate poverty
  3. Are programs for empowerment
  1. II and III
  2. III only
  3. II only
  4. I and III

107. Which assumption underlies the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program?
  1. People are more productive if they own what they cultivate.
  2. Our country has very few landed people and very many landlines.
  3. The wealth of the country is concentrated in the lands of a few.
  4. There is so much poverty in the country because of overpopulation.

108. What does “capital” in economics refer to?
  1. Investment and loss computed
  2. Outcome of a business transaction
  3. Money/machines invested to transact business
  4. Profit and labor spent for the business

109. What results when the government spends more than what it collects in the form of taxes?
  1. Excessive allotment
  2. Fiscal overspending
  3. Fiscal deficit
  4. Erroneous appropriations

110. What is the type of cooperative which promotes thrift among members and creates funds in order to be able to grant loans?
  1. Service
  2. Producers
  3. Consumers
  4. Credit

111. One of the major functions of taxes is to finance real government expenditures. This function can simply be stated as to ______.
  1. promote development
  2. secure price stability
  3. raise revenues
  4. raise national security

112. Which term refers the measures undertaken by the government which would remove anything that hinders the entry of foreign products, services and capital between countries?
  1. Liberalization
  2. Globalization
  3. Privatization
  4. Internalization

113. What do we call the sum of money collected for our use of a road, bridge and highway?
  1. Tax
  2. Assessment
  3. Penalty
  4. Toll

114. Which term refers to duties payable on goods, whether imported or exported?
  1. Assessment
  2. Tariff
  3. Subsidiary
  4. Revenue

115. Which term refers to the social aspect of sex or to socially defined roles and expectations that are associated with sex?
  1. Social differentiation
  2. Social class
  3. Gender
  4. Cultural context
116. Among the developing Asian nations, which of the following is widely promoted to be the better solution to poverty and unemployment?
  1. Privatization
  2. Urbanization
  3. Industrialization
  4. Importation

117. Stagflation occurs when the economy experiences _____.
  1. rising prices and rising output
  2. rising prices and falling output
  3. falling prices and falling output
  4. falling prices and rising output

118. Which among the following is an example of transfer payment?
A. Profit            C. Unemployment benefits
B. Rent             D. Government purchases

119. Which among the following best describes a recession?
A. A fall in real GNP over two consecutive
time periods.
B. An increase in real GNP from one period to
the next.
C. Nominal GNP declines from one period to
the next.
D. No change in real GNP from one period to
the next.

120. Gross Domestic Product is the sum of the market value of the _____.
A. intermediate goods   
B. final goods and services
C. manufactured goods             
D. inferior goods and services

121. Which of the following statements is TRUE about a market economy?
A. With a large enough computer, center
planners could guide production more efficiently than markets.
B. Market participants act as if guided by an invisible hand to produce outcomes that maximize social welfare.
C. The strength of a market system is that it tends to distribute resources evenly across consumers.
D. Taxers help prices communicate costs and benefits to producers and consumers.

122. In a free-economy the allocation of resources is determined by _______.
A. votes taken by consumers                
B. central planning authority
C. consumer preferences
D. the level of profits of firms

123. Trade-offs are required because wants are unlimited and resources are _________.
A. economical               C. scarce
B. unlimited                   D. marginal

124. Raising taxes and increasing welfare payments __________.
A. reduce market power            
B. prove that there is such a thing as a free
C. improve efficiency at the expense of equity
D. improve equity at the expense of

125. The burden of a tax falls more heavily on the sellers in a market when _________.

A. both supply and demand are elastic
B. both supply and demand are inelastic
C. demand is inelastic and supply is elastic
D. demand is elastic and supply is inelastic

4.1 Apply basic concept, theories and perspectives which relate to society, culture and family planning in life.
4.2 Recognize cultural elements that are distinctly Filipino.

PRACTICE TEST: Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
126. Which situation is the BEST example of a culture shock?
A. A native from New Zealand is so afraid of the big crowd in malls and along the roads during rush hours that he remarked “so many people!”
B. The Hippies’ rejected “The Establishment” in the 1960s and sported long hair.
C. The Canadians use forks while the Filipinos use spoon and fork and sometimes their hands on eating.
D. TheAetas don’t like sardines but like sweet potatoes.

127. Under which group do the Sunday churchgoers in a Cathedral fall?
A. Secondary group     C. Tertiary group
B. Primary group            D. Elementary group

128. Which does one portray when he thinks that what is foreign is best and that what is local is inferior?
A. Xenocentrism          C. Ethnocentrism
B. Relativism                D. Favoritism

129. Upon which is based the claim that there is no single universal standard to be used to judge any culture-based?
A. Cultural relativism   C. Cultural diversity
B. Cultural shook           D. Ethical relativism

130. You will be in good hands when your host is a Filipino because one outstanding trait of Filipinos is ____________.
A. hospitality               C. industry
B. thrift                         D. cleanliness

131. The Philippines is dominantly a Christian country in the Orient, yet according to survey it is on the top 5 as the most corrupt nation in Asia. What does this point to in Philippine Society?
A. Lack of cultural integration             
B. Presence of cultural differences
C. Prevalence of ethnocentrism
D. Prevalence of xenocentrism

132. You have to take extra care when you critique the work of a Filipino. Your negative comment may be mistaken to be attack against his/her person. Upon which Filipino trait is this advice based?
A. Extreme personalism          
B. Adaptability  
C. “Sakop” mentality
D. “Bayanihan” spirit

133. The expression promdi connotes____.?
A. ethnocentrism         C. favoritism
B. tenocentrism             D. racial discrimination

134. Children learn how to open a coconut and other common chores in a coconut farm. In this instance culture is transmitted by ________.
A. immersion               C. enculturation
B. assimilation               D. acculturation

135. When a person shows the ability to understand and appreciate the similarities and              differences in the customs, values, and beliefs of one’s culture, he/she is said to ________.

A. possess multicultural literacy         
C. possess global awareness
B. sociocultural aware                           
D. possess social literacy

136. Which of the following statements accurately reflects a strong “school culture?”

A. Has definite organizational core values
B. Has a network rules of communication
C. Has informal rules of behavior
D. Has high standards of performance

137. What are considered major goals of multicultural education?

I. Catering to diversity of learners
II. Considering social class and ethic groups
III. Providing equal opportunities to education IV. Helping individuals and groups survive despite differences in culture and beliefs.

A. I, II, III, and IV          C. II and II
B. I, II, and IV               D. III and IV

138. World history recorded that art became emotional and dramatic during the Renaissance. What popular painting is part of the “idyllic golden age” of art?

A. Mona Lisa by Da Vinci
B. Last Supper by Tintoretto
C. Saint Teresa by Bernini         
D. The Calling of St. Matthew by Caravaggio

139. The cultural heritage of Southeast Asia has been designated by UNESCO as _______.

A. World Heritage Sites                       
B. World Tourist Spots  
C. World Cultural Heritage         
D. World International Center

140. Teachers should be encouraged to teach folk knowledge because _____.

A. It is crucial in facing the basics of daily living.
B. It is included in the National Achievement Test.
C. It is mandate of Dep. Ed.
D. It is keeping with curriculum change.

141. What does a Professional Code of Ethics prescribe for all?

A. Moral standards and ethical behavior
B. Rules and regulations in practicing the profession
C. Strict implementation of laws of the land
D. Civic-mindedness and social consciousness

142. “Man is to be hailed as a social being.” What does this line mean?

A. He necessarily attends social events
B. He must introduce himself in social gatherings.
C. He does not live only for himself.
D. He does not need other people.

143. Which is at the base of a triangle that shapes us into what we are?

A. Environment              C. Training       
B. Heredity                   D. School attended

144. How do you describe a typical social structure which describes a pattern through which relationships at work are ordered?

A. Technological            C. Capitalistic
B. Communistic                         D. Bureaucratic

145. A society cannot exist without a government. Which word is synonymous with government?

A. Domination               C. Restraint
B. Authority                 D. Check-and-balance

146. What does “nuclear family” consist of?

A. Grandfathers and Grandmothers        
B. Father, mother, sons and daughters
C. Sons, daughters and cousins
D. Sons, daughters and in-laws

147. What is the principal means through which culture is transmitted from generation to generation?

A. Community               C. Family
B. Church                     D. Language

148. Material culture refers to the tangible and concrete objects produced by man. Which are examples of material culture?

A. Stone walls of Tasadays                 
B. Ceremonies of Ivatans
C. Sinulog celebrations             
D. Moriones festival

149. Which human need is considered basic?

A. Pleasure                   C. Weather       
B. Security                   D. Order

150. Which among the following represents a detrimental aspect of Philippine culture and society?

A. Palabra de honor       C. Amor propio
B. Delicadeza                D. Ningas cogon

151. Which among the following pertains to the passionate Filipino dance that makes use of a fan or handkerchief to illustrate a couple in romance?
        A. Itik-itik               C. El Bimbo
B. Pandango          D. CariÅ„osa

152.  Which of the following best describes the concept of society?
A. A political entity                        
B. the same as culture or nation
C. Limited by geographical boundaries
D. Organized interaction of people sharing land and culture

153. The primary biological limitation of natural family planning is that it is _________?
A. expensive and very unreliable
B. only suitable for females with
regular periods
C. cannot satisfy people sexual ages
D. goes against the tenets of the
Catholic Church

154. Which of the following types of societies came first during societal evolution?
            A. Horticultural                       
            B. Industrial
C. Agricultural              
D. Mass

155. In a sociological sense, earning a 1.0 Grade Weighted Average (GWA) makes you a deviant because____________.

A.      You only could have gotten that GWA by cheating.
B.     A GWA of 1.0 is not a norm
C.     It alienates you from your peer group.
D.     It improves your status.

156. What is the underlying theory of the belief that the DepED and other stakeholders should exert deliberate efforts to construct a satisfying culture for education?
             A. Cultural Revitalization Theory         B. Utopian Theory
C. Anarchistic Theory
            D. Revival Theory

157. What committee was founded in 1978 to promote effective cooperation and enhance solidarity among the peoples of ASEAN?
A. Committee on Culture and Information
            B. Committee on Regional Cooperation
            C. Committee on Culture and Art
            D. Committee on Cultural Heritage

158. Teachers should be encouraged to teach folk knowledge because_____________.
            A. it is mandate of DepEd.
            B. it is included in the National
Achievement Test.
C. it is crucial in facing the basics of daily living.
D. it is in keeping with curriculum change.

159. If one agrees with Rizal on the best way to redeem our country, what should he do?

            A. Work for quality education for all.
            B. Campaign for more foreign
C. Attract tourists to come to the    
D.     Do the advocacy for health programs to get the biggest share in the national budget.
160. Based on his work “Sa AkingMgaKababata”, would Rizal favor the use of mother tongue in the early grades?
             A. Yes.                                                 B. No.
                C. He did not express it clearly.
            D. Tes, but mixed with English.

161. How did Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere contribute to the development of his countrymen?

A.  It awakened them to the
oppressive rule of Spain.
B. It exposed to them the scandals of
the friars.
            C. It taught to love their local language.
            D. It pictured for them the ideal Filipina.

162. If they were to come back to life, who among the following would be the most vocal to speak against the country’s foreign policy of close association with America?
A. Claro M. Recto, Leon Ma. 
            B. Claro M. Recto, Jose P. Laurel
            C. Leon Ma. Guerrero, Jr., Jose P.
E.      Jose P. Laurel, ElpidioQuirino
163. Why was Melchora Aquino arrested and exiled to Guam? Because she _______?

        A. supplied the Katipuneros with food and clothing
        B. fought side by side with the Katipuneros
        C. openly disagreed with the   encomenderos
        D. published an article against the Spaniards

164. To stimulate the nation’s economy and increase employment, former President DiosdadoMacapagal ________.

        A. abolished government repressive controls
        B. borrowed money from the World Bank
        C. standardized the salaries of government employees
        D. gave incentives to home cottage industries

165. In his “La Indolencia del Filipino”, Rizal’s thinking was the rich natural resources of the Philippines and the favorable climates were not a blessing after all for the Filipino. Which explains this?

A. encouraged the “get-by” mentality
        B. led to disunity
        C. made the Filipinos compete against one another
        D. enabled the Filipinos to earn college degrees

166. “There are no tyrants where there are no slaves. “Which logically explains this?

                     I.            If the Filipinos were treated as slave by the Spaniards it was because they allowed themselves to be treated as such.
                   II.            It was equally the fault of the Filipinos why the Spaniards treated them as slaves.
                 III.            The Spaniards were tyrants and so they treated the Filipino as slaves.

A.     I and II
B.      I
C.     III
D.     II

167. In what sense is the Filipino linked to a bamboo?
A.      He is flexible          
B.      He is sturdy
C.  He is ambitious
D.  He is versatile

168. The Filipino’s indomitable spirits is shown in his­ ____.

  1. Ability to survive         
  2. Utang-naloob
C.  Friendliness
       D. Self-reliance

168. The Filipino’s indomitable spirit is shown in his _______.
A.     Ability to survive
B.      Utangnaloob
C.     Friendliness
D.     Self-reliance
169.  On which Filipino trait does Gawad Kalinga build on?
A.     Bayanihan spirit
B.      Joy and humor
C.     Adaptability
D.     Extreme personalism

170.  Out of used illustration boards, students came up with a cute and functional bags for school childred. Which Filipino trait is exhibited?
A.     Creativity
B.      Adaptability
C.     Pagkabayani
D.     Family orientedness

171. To which trait are the organization and success of cooperatives in the country attributed?
A.     Pagsasamahansakabuhayan
B.      Creativity
C.     Pakikisamasakapwa
D.     Adaptability

172. Noli me Tangere was Jose Rizal’s first novel. Experts consider this work historically significant because it was instrumental in establishing which of the following?
A.     National identity
B.      Fight against graft and corruption
C.     Inciting the seeds of revolution
D.     Love for education

173. Which among the following is NOT a Filipino quality emphasized in the Noli Me Tangere of Dr. Jose Rizal?
  1. Devotion of a Filipina
  2. Deep sense of gratitude
  3. Common sense of Filipinos
  4. Innate subversiveness

174. In Rizal’s time, which among the following were pressing issues in the Philippine society that were presented in the El Filibusterismo?
  1. Educational reform
  2. Superstition masquerading as religion
  3. Abuses of friars
  1. II and III
  2. I, II and III
  3. I and II
  4. I and III

175. Which among the following is the main theme of the El Filibusterismo?
  1. Ideal means of achieving social reform
  2. Rizal’s hope for a revolution
  3. Curing the social cancer
  4. Abuses and indecency of friars

176. ApolinarioMabini was known as the “sublime paralytic”. Which among the following represents his most significant contribution to the development of the Filipino nation?
  1. Peaceful social reform
  2. Resilience despite affliction
  3. Revolutionarism
  4. Freemasonry

177. Marcelo H. Del Pilar demonstrated a militant and progressive outlook derived from  the classic Enlightenment tradition of the French philosophers and the scientific empiricism of the European bourgeoisie. Which of  the following represents the tenets of his ideology?
  1. Truth
  2. Fairness
  3. Impartiality

  1. II and III
  2. I, II and III
  3. I and II
  4. I and II

178. Your honor, how can the persecution dare try to send this poor, defenseless child to jail for the murder of his father and mother? Have a heart! The boy is an orphan. Is this argument valid?
  1. No, this is a fallacy, an appeal to pity.
  2. No, this is faulty reasoning.
  3. Yes, nobody can disagree.
  4. No, this violates the rules of logic.

179. “All the laws are the product of legislative activity.” “Newton discovered several products of legislatve activity.” Is this argument logical?
  1. No, the error is due to the equivocal use of the word “law”
  2. Yes, they are logical
  3. No, unless “laws” in the first premise is changed with “some laws”.
  4. Partially logical.
180. Let’s assume that universities will be required to offer education programs at the graduate rather than at the undergraduate level. Based on this information, how should you respond?
  1. Improbable
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Neutral

181. One reason why the NCEE was abolished was because it was anti-poor. Which explanation logically supports this reasoning?
  1. Most of those who did not pass the NCEE were graduates of deprived schools.
  2. It’s good that the NCEE was abolished because that would mean only those fit for college would go to college.
  3. The NCEE served as a measure to counteract the “diploma mill” mentality of the Filipinos
  4. College education liberates the poor from the bondage of poverty.
182. Which philosophical premise does NOT support scientific inquiry?
  1. Reality is objective
  2. Group awareness is an integral part of knowledge
  3. Human perceptual systems correctly perceive reality.
  4. Rational explanations exist for real-world phenomena.
183. The expressionist painters at the turn of the century tried to depict a state of mind rather than to make a realistic copy of some object. In other words, expressionist paintings ______.
  1. give the feeling rather than the appearance of things
  2. resemble camera snapshots
  3. are all about people
  4. are all done in oils.
184. Those who have deep appreciation of the beautiful tend to ______ the good and the beautiful.
  1. preserve
  2. discard
  3. spoil
  4. hide
185. Art and music are necessary ingredients to a child’s education. Which statement/s supports the idea of this sentence?
  1. Music and art intensify a child’s imagination
  2. Music teaches discipline, team work, math and poetry through rhythm.
  3. Painting helps a kinesthetic learner express abstract concepts in concrete forms.
  1. I, II, III
  2. III only
  3. I and II
  4. I only

186. Art and music are essential ingredients to a child’s education, yet ironically both subjects are the first disciplines to be eliminated when budget is inadequate. In an effort of streamline school budget and teach only the basics, we usually reduce curriculum to a lifeless routine of issues that lack color, shapes, sounds and rhythm. What does the paragraph confirm?
  1. The importance of the arts in the education to  children
  2. The meaninglessness of school curriculum
  3. The insignificance of the arts in the school curriculum
  1. I
  2. III
  3. II
  4. I and II

187. Is it moral to suppress workers’ right to form unions in times of national emergency and why?
  1. No. Suppression of rights will always be a violation of human rights.
  2. Yes. The nation’s security takes precedence over the rights of any private association
  3. Yes. Public safety must be thought of before private gain.
  1. II and III
  2. II
  3. I
  4. III
188.  In times of war, soldiers must be ready to give up their lives in defense of the nation. Which normative relationship applies in this case?
  1. Greater urgency – saving the living before burying the dead
  2. Wide social order – the family before the individual
  3. More common good – public safety before private gain
  4. Higher law – inalienable rights vs. alienable

189. Your classmate had been sick and so had been absent from class. To help him pass, you allow him to copy your answer. Was allowing him to copy your answer morally justified?
  1. Yes. The end justifies the means.
  2. No. The end does not justify the means.
  3. It depends on how sincere you were.
  4. It depends on how much assistance you gave to your classmate.

190. A wife who loves her husband dearly becomes so jealous that in a moment of savage age, kills him. Is the wife morally responsible and why?
  1. No. Antecedent passion may completely destroy freedom and consequently moral responsibility.
  2. Yes. She killed her husband simply because of jealousy.
  3. It depends of the mental health of the wife.
  4. It depends on the cause of the wife’s jealousy.
191. You failed the LET twice. You heard of someone processing fake professional teachers’ license for failed LET examinees for a fee of 50, 000. You approach her and got a fake license for a fee. Are you morally responsible?
  1. No, while I know it is wrong, it is my only way to redeem myself.
  2. Yes, but my desperate need for a license will lessen my moral responsibility.
  3. No, I’m not the only one doing it.
  4. Yes, I acted with full knowledge and consent.
192. Who has greater moral responsibility and why? The lazy master teacher who does not teach well or the beginning teacher who is groping while she teaches and so does not teach well either.
  1. The master teacher, who is older and more experienced.
  2. The master teacher, who is expected to have more knowledge and freedom.
  3. Cannot be determined, age and experience do not necessarily make one more knowledgeable and free.
  4. Both are equally morally responsible; they both professional teachers.

193. I happen to have unknowingly received counterfeit money from someone. At the earliest opportunity, I pass it on to someone who is not aware. Am I morally responsible?
  1. No, you are only passing on to another the burden that you unknowingly received.
  2. No, the counterfeit money did not originally come from you.
  3. Yes, your act is a perfect voluntary one.
  4. Yes, you commit another wrong.

194. Can children who have not reached the age of reason and have acquired foul language be held responsible?
  1. No, the bad habit has been contracted involuntary and unintentionally.
  2. Yes, while they have not reached the age of reason, they already have a sense of what if good and bad.
  3. Yes, from their parents they have come to know that it is bad habit.
  4. We cannot say yes nor no; we don’t know what is inside the children’s mind and heart.

195. A Boy Scout leaps into the sea to save a companion in danger of being drowned, though he may lose his life. Is he morally justified to risk his life?
  1. No.
  2. It depends on whether the Boy Scout can swim or not.
  3. Yes.
  4. No, if the boy being drowned did it to commit suicide.

196. Which one goes with this principle: “The end does not justify the means”
  1. An objective evil act can never become good in spite of the good motive.
  2. An objectively good act may become morally evil because of a bad motive.
  3. An indifferent act may become morally good or evil depending on the movie.
  4. Both are equally morally responsible; they are both professional teachers.

197. I get P5, 000 pesos from the funds raised during Valentine’s Day without the knowledge of committee and donate it to a foundation serving a group of handicap. Is my act of getting P 5,000 from the funds justified?
  1. Yes, the means justifies the end.
  2. Yes, the end justifies the means.
  3. No, the end does not justify the means.
  4. Yes, if you intend to tell the committee afterwards.

198. Which illustrates this principle: “Circumstances may change a good or as indifferent act into a punishable one”.
  1. Yes, the teacher, insulting a student is worse than a student belittling a classmate.
  2. To steal money from a poor classmate is worse than to steal from a rich classmate.
  3. Slapping someone at a moment of rage is not as worse as slapping someone for thrill.
  4. You sleep seated on a chair at the back while you make your class copy notes from the board.

199. I don’t like to read the bulletin board, for I suspect that the deadline for grades is posted there. Which type of ignorance do I possess?
  1. Affected ignorance
  2. Vincible ignorance
  3. Invincible ignorance
  4. Crass ignorance

200. I pretend not to be able to play several musical instruments. I may get tied as an instrumentalist of the Church choir. Which type of ignorance do I have?
  1. Invincible ignorance
  2. Supine ignorance
  3. Affected ignorance
  4. Vincible ignorance

201. Which illustrate/s this principle: “Antecedent passion may completely destroy freedom and consequently moral responsibility.”

A. A teacher harbors a grudge against a colleague and builds himself up to a state of frenzy and strikes his colleague.
B. A man broods over an insult received from an enemy, goes drinking and finally attacks his enemy.
C. A person in danger of being drowned goes into panic and holds on to a companion who also drowns.
D. B and C

202. When can we say that a person has values?

A. Lives a life of integrity, sincerity and commitment.
B. Enjoys life of leisure and pleasure.
C. Works towards self-aggrandizement.
D. Lives a life of merriment in the company of others.

203. What does the term “chiaroscuro” refer to?

A. An exaggeratedly dark background and light foreground creating the effect of space.
B. Exaggerated shadows making colours more intense.
C. A dark-shaped pigment created from a mixture of water and egg yolk.
D. A style of brush work which created shading.

204. What is the purpose of an underpainting?
A. It prevents the paint from seeping through the canvass.
B. It helps date the painting.
C. To create a rough sketch directly on the work surface.
D. It avoids over painting.

205. What is a glaze?

A. Paint diluted with water.
B. A color diluted with white.
C. Paint diluted with olive oil.
D. Paint diluted with linseed oil.

206. What a student can do differs from what he will do. What does this prove?

A. Motivation and ability always go together.
B. Students of today are hardly motivated.
C. Ability is the opposite of motivation.
D. Motivation differs from ability.

207. You are often told: “Poverty is not a hindrance to success.” What does this imply?

A. The “promdi” student does not succeed because of his/her origin.
B. What a person becomes in life is a product of his/her environment.
C. A person is totally conditioned by his/her environment.
D. It is other people that hinder people succeed.

208. Pedro easily carried the television by himself when his neighbor’s house was on fire. But when the fire was over, he could not bring it back to the house alone. This is on account of the hormone ________________.
A. pancreatin                 C. adrenalin
B. insulin                       D. ptyalin

209. Stimulation is good for the brain. Which action is a logical application for this?

A. Train your child to obey orders blindly.
B. Retire early so you will be spared of the challenges of work.
C. Avoid giving challenging tasks to teenagers for they get easily discouraged.
D. Give to children toys that they can manipulate.

210. A biology teacher asked each one in the class to introduce himself/herself using biological concepts. Four students introduced themselves as follows:

    I have XX chromosomes.
    I have XY chromosomes.
    I have so much testosterone in my blood   
    I have much estrogen circulating within me.

What is true of the four students?
A. Two are girls.
B. Two are “tomboys”.
C. Two are effeminate.
D. The four have identity problems.

211. A Biology teacher described herself biologically: “My estrogen level is decreasing and I have signs of osteoporosis.” What is TRUE of the biology teacher?

A. She is a spinster.
B. She is in her late adolescence.
C. She is in her post-menopausal period.
D. She is a chain smoker.

212. What statement of human intelligence is CORRECT?
A. It consists of multiple intelligences.
B. It is reliably measured by a verbal test.
C. It is verbal ability and abstract reasoning.
D. It is fixed at birth.
213. Which idea contradicts the concept of free will?

A. Evolutionary theory
B. Creationism
C. Memetics
D. Biological determinism

214. Behavioral psychologist would probably say that _________________.

A. Introspection is a useful way to study mental processes.
B. The mind is most important when analyzing behavior.
C. We act based on rewards and punishments received.
D. The unconscious stimulates our behavior.

215. Which among the following are qualities of an authoritarian parent?
A. High level of both control and warmth.
B. High level of control, and a low level of warmth.
C. Low level of both control and warmth
D. Low level of control, and a high level of warmth.

216. Individual who can find minute differences between small objects possesses which of the following?
A. A good long-term memory
B. A high difference threshold
C. A low difference threshold
D. A good short-term memory

217. The method of classical conditioning begins with _______________.

A. the conditioned stimulus and response
B. the unconditioned stimulus and conditioned response
C. the unconditioned stimulus and response