• Shyness is an attitude characterized by partial inhibition of social responses especially in the presence of strangers.
• Sensitiveness is the tendency of the child to be easily impressed, affected or hurt.
• Lack of Perseverance means lack of persistence in an activity for a long time due to difficulty, opposition, disappointment, or interference.
• Lack of Resourcefulness means the inability to meet new situations.
• Lack of Industry refers to the lack of steady attention or diligence in any pursuit.
Learning is a mental wherein knowledge, skills, habits, attitudes and ideals are acquired, retained and utilized resulting in the progressive adaptation and modification of conduct and behavior (Bugelski, 1965). As far as the behaviorists are concerned, learning is any change in the behavior of an organism.
1. Mind Theory (Christian Wolf) states that the mind has mental powers or faculties, such as memory reason, judgement, etc. which function as a separate entity that can be improved through exercise or use.
2. Connectionist’s Theory (Edward lee Thorndike) believes that learning is the product of connection between the stimulus and response (Association Learning).
3. Behaviorism (J.B Watson) viewed learning as any change in the behavior of an organism. Such change may range from the acquisition of knowledge, simple skill, specific attitude and opinions or it may also refer to innovation, elimination or modification of responses.
4. Gestalt’s View of Learning. Gestalt is a German term which means pattern, shape, form or configuration. It advocates that the whole is more than the sum of its parts and the whole gets its meaning from its parts.
It also suggests that the conception of experience at any given moment is determined by the totality of its related phases which constitute an integral pattern or configuration.
5. Progressivism sees learning as an active and dynamic process in which the learner is definitely involved. Learning is a process that is active, purposeful and creative.
1. Trial and Error means attempts to meet a situation in various ways until the correct responses are found more or less accidentally. It involves random reaction and accidental success.
2. Learning by Conditioning
– changing the meaning of a situation by associating it with some past
experience of new stimuli that brought satisfaction or dissatisfaction to the
learner through repetition.
• Classical Conditioning – Ivan Pavlov
• Operant Conditioning – Burrhus Frederick Skinner
3. Learning by Observation and Imitation – learning is done through directing the attention to a specific element considered worthy of mental record and reproducing the recorded element as the need arises.
4. Insight is the higher level of trial and error. It refers to the ability to foresee things and is based on the react in advance. It suggests that the degree of insight increases with age. It experiment of Wolfgang Kohler.
5. Learning by Motivation.
Motivation is the process of arousing the individual attention and interest
directed towards a definite goal.
Types of Motivation
1. Intrinsic - natural desire of the individual to learn
2. Extrinsic – motivation based on rewards or punishment
Incentives to Motivate
• School
• Exhibiting
Good Works
• Game
or Play
• Examination
• Honor
• Emulation
– process of equaling or excelling other’s work or behavior
• Material
• Punishment
• Vocational
1. Law of Readiness – is associated with mindset. It states that when an organism is prepared to respond to a stimulus, allowing him to do so would be satisfying while preventing in would be annoying.
2. Law of Exercise – constant repetition of a response strengthens its connection with the stimulus, while disuse of a response weakens it.
Law of use – the more frequent a modifiable connection between the situation and the response is utilized, the stronger is the connection.
Law if disuse – When a modifiable connection between a stimulus and response is not used over a period of time that connection is weakened.
3. Law of Effect – when a modifiable connection between a stimulus and a response has been made, it is a strengthened if it results satisfaction and weakens if it leads to annoyance.
4. Law of Belongingness – means that the strength of connection is increased if the paired stimuli possess similarities.
5. Law of Association – a new connection is formed through the association of the past and the new situation. It is the process of relating two or more experiences to each other.
6. Law of Multiple Response – different reactions/responses are elicited by the same stimulus.
7. Law of Frequency – the often the response is repeated the greater is its tendency for its use when the right situation occurs.
Law of Regency
– the response which has been exercised and rewarded most recently is the one
which is most likely to occur when the organism is in a given situation.