The Organs And Their Functions

1.Kidneys_Filters wastes from blood

2.Urinary bladder_Stores liquid wastes

3.Ureters_Carry waste from kidneys to bladder

4.Urethra_Carry liquid waste of body

5.Large intestine_Absorb water and mineral and stores waste

6.Small Intestine_Absorb nutrients

7.Rectum_From here Solid feces pass out the body through anus

8.Pancreas_Sends enzyme through a duct into small intestine

9.Liver_supply energy to the body

10.Phyranx_Carry food to esophagus

11.Trachea_Passs air from lungs

12.Slaviary glands_Release Saliva

13.Gallbladder _Store bile

14.Stomach_Mixes and mashes food

15.Epiglottis_Prevent food and liquids from entering lungs

16.Diaphragm_Allows lungs to expand

17.Esophagus_Bring food and water from your mouth to stamach

18.Capillaries_Connects arterioles and venules ,enabling the exchange of water ,oxygen,carbon dioxide,and other nutrients and wastes.